Picc line

  • 3 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi all,

Confusion on dates I had my picc line put in today, along with pre treatment talk, I start chemo on Thursday which will take 6-7 hours due to being 3 combination. All sounds pretty nasty, sore mouth, thrush, can't eat certain foods, can't have cold drinks as one of the drugs can close my throat up, so we have all the numbers on standby,  but I still signed on the dotted line, but the nurse did say my Dr wouldn't do this if she didn't think it would shrink it.

So tomorrow resting, partner spring cleaning to reduce infection, love to see men work, then blast off Thursday.

Stay safe stay well everyone Pray


  • FormerMember

    Hi Devoncat wow you are a strong lady.Chemo for 6-7 hrs.I just having 1 hr chemo every week but I am struggling with it.Not the side effects I have almost none but the sitting in the chair and my anxiety.

    Anyway just wanted to wish good luck and I hope you dont have many or none side effects and the treatment is working for you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Devon cat, 

    Good luck for Thursday hun, hope everything goes well for you, will be thinking of you.

    I hope you get lovely nurses like I did today, 

    Love Max x

  • Hi, I have not long ago replied to your post about treatmen(t) but hadn't seen this one! Hope your pic/l went in smoothly, with the length of time the drugs are going to take to go through, no wonder they wanted you to get a picc line in!  Of course the nurse is right, they wouldn't try any kind of treatment, in my opinion, if they didn't think it had a chance of working, so that's the first thing. The next is that when I started the trial drug I was on, there were lots of rules and regulations. I had to have nothing to eat or drink, even water, for 2 hours before and 1 hour after taking the drug. I was told not to take various foods like tomato, grapefruit etc I think the reason was because I think these foods were the things that could cause some of the side effects like mouth ulcers, stomach pains etc so they are a precaution to help you. There was a 23 page information sheet that explained all this which I had to sign at the bottom. You are right, it is scary but I was told no one is saying you are going to get all the side effects but they have to inform you of the possibilities no matter how  rare they were. 

    You did sign on that line too because you, like all of us here, want a chance to live a bit longer, so once the first treatment is finished, I'm confident you will settle into a routine! It's great your husband is doing the cleaning! Before I had my diagnosis my husband thought cleaning the bathroom was putting bleach into the toilet bowl! Sorry gents, I know you are not all the same!! Now after this long, he is getting better. The day I was dx I promised myself I would show him how to work all the white goods in the kitchen as he hadn't a clue! Now he's even baking. The one things he hasn't mastered (yet) are the TV & Virgin TiVo Box but he's getting there!

    Good luck for Thursday (actually tomorrow as its 3.50am) I hope it's not as bad as your imagination is thinking! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!