Laid up in bed

  • 11 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi folks just been catching up with some posts as I lie in bed a bit out of it. 

Last time I posted I was awaiting a scan which I had on Thursday. I had been feeling quite ill and had not keep anything down for 6 days when the district Nurse and Pallative Care Nurse arrived yesterday. I was pronounced not well and many calls took place as I was not wanting to return to the local A&E department. 

A lovely consultant from the hospice rang and talked to us surprisingly she had the scan results from the previous day. After checking if we preferred to know what was happening she talked to me and my husband on speaker phone. Not surprisingly it was not good news and although she could not say when I have probably not got long left. The immediate issues were getting IV fluids and anti sickness meds and they can not be done at home. She tried to get a hospice bed but they were full. Later she rang back to say that our next nearest hospital was happy to see me straight away they had a separate room I could be seen in and they were happy to take what she said was needed whilst running some other tests. All being well I could get home that evening. After my experiences over the years I was still quite reluctant but it all went as she said with the A&E doctor working closely with her it was great to see. Not surprisingly after 6 days of no food my blood sugar had plummeted so I got 2 bags ordinary fluid, 2 bags glucose, 1 bag salts and 2 anti sickness via IV and got home at 7 pm. It's been a rough night as it is difficult to get in a comfortable position but it is home.

Not sure what is next hopefully improvement and some pain control but if not I have not had a bad run and I have tried to make the most of my time. I still have things I want to see my family achieve but that will always be the case. My husband has been marvelous and backed me all the way. The next conversations we have I will need to listen carefully to what is best for him. 

Take care everyone 

  • Hello Maz59, I cannot say anything useful but wanted to say I am thinking of you, along with dozens of others I shouldn't wonder.

    I hope all those bags have perked your body up a bit and you manage to get some comfortable sleep.

    Hoping for the best xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Hi Maz 

    I just wanted to say you are in my thoughts , I am thinking of you. I hope you are feeling more comfortable . Sending my love.xx

  • FormerMember

    Maz I am so sorry to hear how awful things are for you.  I really hope you are more comfortable after the treatment you received.  

    You are in my thoughts xx

  • , dear Maz!

    There are times when we don't know what so say...

    i hope you're feeling better after all that fluid and being in your own bed with your lovely husband! Even if we all here know that this time will come, it's hard. I am a bit like you and don't think about myself then but my hubby. I really think it is harder for them then for us.

    I hope you are not in any pain and got time to talk about all you wish with hubby!!!

    Hugs Pet

  • Hi Maz, I do hope they have sorted you out pain meds that work for you. They usually know just the right one to use. Then you and your husband can chat without the pain getting in the way. It is great you have him by your side which is maybe why you sound so calm. You must be exhausted after all that's happened. Of course we are all thinking and praying for you. I do hope you both have a comfortable nght's sleep and you feel a bit stronger in the morning! Sending gentle (((hugs))).

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    I'm so glad to see that you are receiving the attention you need and deserve. After receiving your fluids, glucose etc I hope you're feeling quite a lot better. It's great that you were able to get a separate room at hospital.

    I am dismayed of course that my long term friend isn't in good condition at all but I hope you can continue to receive the best attention. 

    Your husband is such a rock for you and his continued support and backing must be of such a relief for you. Long may it continue and long may your posts be full of news that your team are looking after you (with your observations too Slight smile)

    Take care Maz and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thinking of you, . I hope you feel somewhat better after all those fluids, and can be comfortable, 

  • Dear Maz

    Hope you are feeling more comfortable, and more supported now. It's been a difficult few months for you. 

    Take care, xx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    Dearest Maz,

    What a time you’ve had of it. And how good to hear that, with the intervention of consultants, your local hospital was able to deliver the care you needed without messing it all up. 

    Are you more comfortable now? I do hope so. You sound very calm and ready to face what’s coming next but that might just be appearances. 

    Like the rest of the incorrigible gang, I am holding you in my thoughts. I hope you stay comfortable and free from pain and that you can make the most of precious moments with your wonderful husband 

    With love and hugs 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Maz59,

    Just wanted to let you know my thoughts are with you and your husband.

    Stay strong stay positive stay safe.
