Face to face appointment

  • 14 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hope everyone is okay.

My check ups are still via telephone, next 19th June, is anyone else the same ?

  • I am still having telephone checkups. I am due a scan in July so I am hoping to get the results face to face in Aug as I have lots of questions to ask. I see the necessity for phone appointments but they are not the same as personal interaction.

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nicky Nosher

    Thanks Nicky

    No, they are not but as you say, necessary.  Good luck for your scan x

  • Hi, 

    I have had several telephone Consultations, but my Oncologist secretary rang on Wednesday & did give me the option of going to see the Oncologist or another telephone app. So I decided to go to the hospital this time. The secretary said though many people are still frightened of going to the hospital so that is why I was given the option.

    It depends  probably on what the hospital consider is right, but it is not as easy with a telephone consultation, but hopefully things will be more towards normal shortly.

    Take care.xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    Thanks Georgette x

  • I've had both.

    I have an appointment every six weeks.  After my scan (every twelve weeks)  I see the oncologist and the research nurse but at the six weekly one in between I have my bloods taken at my GP and talk to the research nurse by telephone.  I'm on a trial which might make a difference.

    Gragon x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    I was asked to do a telephone appointment last time but as I was not well and wanted some answers about a scan. I emailed his secretary and asked for him to send me out some information before the call. The next day I was given a face to face instead. At that I took very ill and had to be taken straight to A&E. 

    I have been sent another telephone one for next week and as I don't want to endure A&E again I will take it this time. 

    It is easier to read my oncologist if you can see him and he has in the past missed things on scan reports because they were on the next page so we have found it best to be able to check things through. 

    Good luck with your appointment

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Thanks Gragon 

    Good luck with the trial x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Maz

    Good that you are on the ball with your oncologist. Hope you are feeling better xx

  • FormerMember


    I had a face to face in Feb and bloods. My next appointment in April ended up being a telephone call. Someone from St James phoned me the day before to say it would be a telephone call . I had another appointment at the end of May no one rang to confirm it would be a telephone appointment so I set off to the hospital, gloves and hand sanitizer at the ready ! They were surprised to see me . I explained why I had done it . The CNS nurse asked if I had recently had a blood test, said no but felt one was needed, and that was done. Said I would return home so the consultant could call me but was offered a face to face because I was there . My cancer markers are up so I have now been booked in for a scan on the 8/6 and my next appointment with the oncologist is face to face on the 25/6.

    i didn’t like the telephone consult it doesn’t quite work for me . There is a skill to talking to people on a phone. I was a children’s social worker before being diagnosed and spent a lot of time oSmileythe phone wit children, teens , parents, professionals, texting etc. You really need to be able to put emotions and pick up on other people’s . The consultant I say whilst very brilliant doesn’t havSmileythat skill. His co versatile with me on the phone in my case left me feeling very low, so I suppose on a psychological level I may have subconsciously set off to the hospital because of that. HoweveSmileyeveryone is different no one size fits allSmiley Take care everyone xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you.  My consultant is not good face to face so telephone, forget it !!  No one has ever mentioned cancer markers to me.

    Good luck with your scan.  xxx