phone call

  • 2 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi all thanks for your replies and I will certainly get myself a cool pillow. Good news eventually got my phone call what was supposed to be next day took 4 weeks. Sadly I believe one has to be firm with the NHS don't push don't get which I find sad. That's what I feel Living in Lincolnshire. Just getting prepared in case the extreme pain comes back and  now in the loop with Marie Curie, community nurse team and a Macmillan local nurse. Just having the thought of backup gives me something to hang on to and of course you the community. Had no idea about different pain killers ( just in case)  Marie Curie advised me to ask my GP and got a prescription for oramorph oral solution hopefully wont be needing anything for a long time to come

On a happier note been very warm and my wife and I had a flask of tea and sandwiches at the local park on are 44 year anniversary not what we would have done in fitter, normal times. My age and illness have taught me one does not need exotic holidays to see the beauty around us. I think its true but admit to some bull been very fortunate been lucky and ticked a few boxes..   

  • FormerMember

    Happy anniversary! I’m so glad you and your wife were able to enjoy your celebratory tea and sandwiches. 

    It sounds as though you now have the team around you that you need and a sense of having a safety net. That’s so important. 

    Sleep well 


  • Hi JIM  I've just noticed your post. I am so glad you eventually got your phone call! Better late than never!  I, like you, hope you won't be needing strong painkillers for a long time to come but it's good to know they are there if you need them. It is the same with Marie Curie and your GP, knowing they are at the end of the phone and you can call for help is such a relief! This Group is a good sounding board and although we are patients and not professionals, you can usually be steered to where you can get the help you need, or hear other people's experiences! Of course you could just call the Helpline anytime to speak to a professional person!

    Congratulations on celebration your 44th Wedding Anniversary  (it's our 49th in Oct and I never thought I'd still be here) and your picnic sounds just ideal. You are so right about not needing exotic holidays, I get huge pleasure sitting in the garden just listening to and watching the birds at the feeder. Stay Safe and I hope you enjoy a lot more picnics!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!