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  • 42 subscribers

Really irritating, insurance that could pay out to cover mortgage to make life easier. Won’t be able to return to job as the location of my tumour means symptoms won’t improve. Anyway. They are resistant to pay out as although consultant has stated inoperable etc etc has said I could die within 12 months. - they have taken that as I won’t then!!! Seem to want to know that I will definitely die ! As if living with this is an exact science 

  • FormerMember


    That is beyond annoying. So much depends on what our consultant writes. I am really sorry you find yourself caught in this bind as yes, paying off the mortgage makes a real difference to our quality of life.

    Is there the option to apply again after, say, a scan? I think our consultants want to help but of course requests need to be carefully phrased as they also have to be truthful. 

    All the best 

  • Hi 

    It's so frustrating isn't it? The decision by the insurance company most likely hinges on the consultant's choice of the word "could". 

    Insurance companies will be well aware (and there are some examples of this in our group), nowadays, despite the consultant's decision that your tumour is inoperable, that with trials of new drugs and treatments, many, many people are living life well past what we call our sell by date, and having a good life. 

    The insurance payout will still be there for many years and although you may not (I have used the word "may") be able to return to your old job and anything is possible, given a possible life extension if you are fit enough, your skill set could be attractive to other employers.

    Should you not be able to get back to your old job and you are finding the payments for you mortgage difficult, you have the option of contacting the mortgage company and asking for a payment holiday or reducing your payment and st the same time extending the length of time you have to pay it back.

    That idea and others will be discussed by the MacMillan helpline number. The very best of financial and other help is freely available, I know that because I am one of many who have sought assistance when our brains are scrambled after a cancer diagnosis. I'd strongly advise you to contact the MacMillan helpline.

    I checked but you haven't filled out your details so I don't know if you have a partner, children or age etc but that's understandable when you have had a nightmare diagnosis. 

    However, as I stated earlier, you could well live for many years yet so try to focus on how you can rebuild your confidence and should you have a partner and children then they too will be happy to have you around for a long time yet and if I may use your own words, this diagnosis and treatment decision don't have to follow the path of gloom and doom because it isn't an exact science Slight smile

    I know it's difficult, I've been down the same path for over 5 years since my diagnosis in March 2015,   but try to inject some positivity into your life, take care and stay safe.


    Love life and family.
  • Hi Welcome to the Group, as I don't think we have chatted before now. Yes Insurance companies can be infuriating! When you buy your insurance they are quick to tell you what they will cover but don't tell you about all the loopholes they can use to not pay out!   &  have already said similar to what my advice would be, apply after your next scan and speak to your specialist nurse when you see your consultant, also the McM Helpline will give you good accurate advice!

    I was given 5-7 months in 2013 but was very lucky a trial drug worked its magic for me. However the following year we wanted to go on holiday on the February and I phoned approx 12 companies finding only two would even give me a quote for Holiday Insurance. One was for £9,000 (Yes really) for a three week break in Spain. The other was MIA who gave me a quote of around £350 as long as my oncologist wrote on my records, she had no objection to me going and thought I would manage the travelling, which Thankfully she agreed to! I know getting your mortgage paid would make such a difference to how you feel and Travel Insurance, especially at the moment, is not important. It is soul destroying when they ask you all these questions and then won't even insure you. Please don't give up. Speak to the people in the know! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!