Result at last.

  • 5 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hello friends,

I thought that I would let you all know that I got the results of the biopsy that I had last Thursday. It has been confirmed that the recurrence is from the fallopian tube cancer & not the womb cancer. At 11am this morning my Oncologist rang me with the news & then asked if I could see her at 12noon,so I did a quick change & off we went. My temp.was taken on entry to the Dept. & I was given a wipe which was in a sealed packet. There were about 8 people waiting for appointments so not to bad. After this I went for blood tests ie: tumour marker etc.

I am stage 4 which I knew anyway, & the treatment I will have is likely to be chemo, which I had for the primary cancer originally. There are quite a few drugs available so I feel the only way is onwards & upwards.

Unfortunately I have to change to another Oncologist because the one that I am with at present only deals with womb cancer, I have actually seen the new one as she came onto the ward where I stayed following the biopsy.

Hopefully you have all been enjoying this hot weather as much as possible. 

Take care all, Time to relax a little. I will be back but feel quite exhausted now. Georgette xx

  • Hi , it sounds like the day had some real positives, I think you said that out of the two you were hoping for Fallopian tube, (I do hope I’m not wrong on that !)

    Take care and hope you have a relaxing rest.

    Take care KT

  • Hi  Its good they are moving quickly and you know what the plan is! I hope your new oncologist and you get to know and trust one another! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you Annette,

    I hope that the new Oncologist will be ok, because I think that it is very important to have confidence in them. The one I have just left was so lovely and nothing was to much trouble & she has always been prompt to let me know results once they are back which is extremely important.

    I hope that you are managing to enjoy this glorious weather.

    Georgette xx

  • Hi KT,

    You are right, because with fallopian tube which is high grade serous type there are more drug options available to me. I am hoping that the chemo will work to hold it back.

    Sometimes you just need one positive to feel as if you are going forward.

    Georgette xx

    I hope that you have a relaxing weekend.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette


    Gosh, it’s hard to say that this is good news exactly but for a given value of good, yes, it’s good news. As you say, the fact that it’s a recurrence of the Fallopian tube cancer opens a much wider range of treatment options for you. 

    Getting used to the new consultant can take some time. We have to learn all over again whether they are a glass half full type, whether they want to share info with you and treat you like a partner in your own care or a passive patient. Start as you mean to go on is my advice. If you want to see blood test results or scan reports, ask for them. Get the new consultant knocked into shape early! 

    I hope you get a firm plan in place soon
