Hello, I am new to this site.

  • 6 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I am new on here, but I do know Daloni ,from my first experience of cancer on the Womb site.

At the moment I am waiting for results from a CT scan guided biopsy to determine whether or not the recurrent cancer is from,the womb type or fallopian tube as it is in my stomach lining. I had already had one biopsy done with ultrasound which apparently the pathologist said was not a good sample. So fingers crossed this time that it will be conclusive.

Like some of you I have spent a lot of time in the garden taking advantage of the good weather while it lasted. Today is dull here & quite windy, so I am relaxing as I actually feel quite tired after the day at the hospital yesterday.

I hope that you will all have a reasonable weekend even though we are still social distancing.

Stay safe. Georgette 

  • Hi, in actual fact I have just welcomed you oin the thread "Oncologist" because I didn't think I had seen you in this Group previously! I do hope your biopsy this time gives you a definite answer so you can plan what happens next. Gardening is a topic here quite a lot, you will even find a thread called Gardening 2020 which will maybe keep you occupied when it's not nice enough to be out in the garden! We've had gale force winds and heavy rain the last day and a half, so gardening is definitely out at the moment, let's hope things change by the weekend!

    I hope EVERYONE enjoys their weekend, whatever you are doing!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember


    I’d like to say it’s really good to see you here, but of course it’s not. I’d much rather you weren’t here. But being as you are, it is really nice to see you again Georgette.

    I hope the results from your biopsy come quickly and lead to some good treatment options for you. Meanwhile, you’ve already seen the gardening thread, I guess? I hope you’ll feel really welcome and become an active member of this lovely community. I remember from our days in the womb cancer group that you are someone with a kind word right at the time that is needed.

    Lots of love xx

  • Hi ,

    I would also like to welcome you to the group.  I clicked on your profile to find out a bit more about you but it wasn't completed, then I had a quick look at your latest activity and realised that you had posted recently on Daloni's Home coming thread.  It is nice to see you coming back to us although as Daloni said it would have been nicer under other circumstances.

    I hope that you get a good result from your biopsy, does the outcome make a significant difference for the treatment?  I'm afraid I have virtually no knowledge of either of these cancers.

    It is still windy here today with sun shinning and clouds speeding across the sky so it feels really refreshing.  My garden does not grow very quickly as we are in one of the drier areas of the country but I have enjoyed sitting out and watching the birds coming and going, especially a pair of goldfinches which have returned for the second year to the seed feeder.  Beautiful little flashes of colour as they come and go.  I do need to cut the grass today as it is looking a little scruffy.

    All the best,

    Gragon x

  • Hi Daloni,

    Thank you Daloni, for those kind words. I am finding it harder this time trying to deal with pain and the not knowing,but I am doing my best to keep going.

    I look forward to chatting with people on here in the future.

    Anyway,what is happening with you now? Have you started chemo?

    Take care,

    Georgette xx

  • Hello Gragon,

    Thank you for the welcome,& I am sure I will enjoy this site.

    I am hoping for a better result this time from the biopsy that I had as it is quite important to know whether this recurrence is from the womb cancer or from the fallopian tube cancer,as there are more drugs available if it is the fallopian tube type as that was a high grade serous. Hopefully I will get an indication this week.

    The weather here today is lovely and sunny still breezy, but very pleasant.

    I notice that you mentioned gold finches,and I agree that gold finches are lovely.We have had a pair in our garden on the feeder this year. For a short while we did have a lesser spotted woodpecker,but have not seen him recently. Strange you should say about grass cutting,as my husband said about an hour ago,that he will need to cut the lawn this week.

    I hope that you enjoy a peaceful & pleasant week. Georgette

  • Hi Annette,

    Lovely of you to respond to me, & thank you for giving me the details of the thread,called gardening 2020. which I will look at.

    I am pleased to say that since you replied to me that the weather has turned for the better again,& it looks as if it will be a nice week.

    Take care, Georgette x