Pneumonia vaccination and other questions

  • 8 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi all

Apologies for formal heading tried to think of something a bit more interesting..

I have had a text asking me to make an appointment for a pneumonia vaccination - looked it up and it is given to young children and over 65 - which I am not - admittedly would have been retiring now had the Government not moved the goalposts but a few years to go til over 65.  Is this normal - is it something you should have if having chemo - my GP surgery have been less than forthcoming and fair to say silent since my diagnosis save to ask if I would sign a DNR!!  Didn't get a very positive response to that one .. and difficult to talk to hospital given restrictions.

Also told at last appointment I have "shy veins" - any tips to get them out and about - if not talking about a PICC line if further treatment.

Finally and again apologies for so many questions but any tips on sleeping - no problem getting off to sleep but waking up and watching clock most of the night and then tired during the day...

Hope you all have a good day - enjoy the sun xx

  •  Hi, I wonder if you get the flu jag? I have been having this for quite a few years now and last October when I was at our nurse practitioner to get this, she mentioned there was now a pneumonia one coming shortly and I should think about having it. Like the flu jag, you don't have to be a certain age if you have an illness that makes you more susceptible to picking up these things. To be honest, I had forgotten about it until I read your post but we were away on holiday at the beginning of the year and a few days after we got back, the Lockdown happened. Just like the flu vaccination I think it is a personal decision whether to have the injection or not. Why not phone the Helpline or As A Nurse here on the site.

    Regarding troublesome veins, I certainly have them. An aneasthatist told me the best thing you can do is drink plenty of water before you go and keep your arm/hand warm by wearing long sleeves. He said if you are cold, your veins go deeper!

    Regarding sleeping patterns, it is 2.19am at the moment, so I am not the best person to ask! Pain keeps me awake. I wonder have you tried deep breathing or the Headspace app to try to get back to sleep, if not, it's worth a try and again if this persists speak to your GP or phone the Helpline! I'm sorry I couldn't help a bit more but everyone is different and what works for one won't work for another so better to get proper medical advice, especially with sleeping or it could become a really bad problem! Stay safe!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember


    I thought I’d replied to you! I wonder where it went? Never mind. Let’s try again.

    I must say, I have never heard of a pneumonia vaccination. Like Annette, I think it’s a personal decision as to whether one has a vaccine or not. My personal decision is always in favour. They do call pneumonia “the old person’s friend” and there is a reason for that. The better protected I can be from any infections while I’m on chemo, the better off I feel.

    My veins also go shy when I have chemotherapy. They havd never been that shy that I’ve had to have a central line or other kind of permanent solution. I know some people swear by them and say they’re an absolute godsend. I do always try to make sure I’m thoroughly hydrated before arriving for chemo. It really does help.

    As for sleep, I’m very much like you. I fall asleep easily but the struggle is to remain asleep. It’s particularly bad right now as I’m on steroids. I’ve simply decided not to worry about it too much. I’m a midnight crocheter. I recently put a post on Facebook offering my friends to crochet a set of coasters in return for a donation to my local hospice. I’ve raised over £400 so far and knitted I’m not sure how many coasters. I’m not sure I’m really good role model. I do nap in the day and take positive pleasure in doing so. A nice blanket, a comfy spot, radio 3 playing quietly...I wake up refreshed  

    I do hope you’re asleep now. 

    lots o love xxx

  • Hi

    Deep veins are exactly what I have too, on more than one occasion I've had to return to the surgery the next day because someone has attempted 3 times and that's their limit even if I try to persuade the nurse to try a 4th time.

    When I was getting venesections to treat my high ferritin count due to my haemachromatosis the nurse as a rule gave me a plastic cupful of water to drink before taking blood, the water helps the vein to swell, they said.

    Pneumonia injection? Yes I think it's just a new thing out, but it may be age related, and as others have correctly stated, it's a personal choice as with the flu jab. Having a few medical problems, I opt for safety but I stress, it's a personal choice.

    I'm in the Pain during the night Club too. I developed a spinal problem which has caused many trapped nerves and has taken me off my feet and into a wheelchair. There are worse things in life though as we all know.

    Take care everyone

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi ,

    I have had both a flu and pneumonia jab although I'm onlyl 58.  The flu jab is made each year and is meant to counter what scientists believe is the most likely strain of flu to emerge that year.  I'm not quite sure how the pneumonia jab works but I was offered one two years ago and took it.  I have not had another since and when I asked why I was told it remains active for several years.  I tend not to react badly to injections with no pain, swelling or reddening so for me it is usually a quick decision and I will take what ever I am offered.  In addition to cancer I also have type 2 diabetes and I'm not sure which condition put me into the vulnerable category for pneumonia jab to be offered.  Strangely enough my brother in law who was hospitalised with pneumonia about 5 years ago cannot get the jab?

    I'm also afraid that I can offer nothing regarding your veins, the ones in my left arm are readily available.  The ones in my right arm are deeper, perhaps because I am right handed so if asked I always offer my left arm.

    However I do suffer a lot from broken sleep, especially when I am on my cancer meds.  Occasionally I wake and am still comfortable so I stay in bed relaxed but thinking and feel like I am benefitting from the rest.  If I am restless I worry about waking my wife and come downstairs, have a hot chocolate and see if I can get sleepy enough to go back to bed.  Sometimes after I come down I simply fall asleep on the settee or in my chair.  I do keep a blanket down stairs in the winter.  I am no longer working so am usually in the fortunate position that if I am tired I can go to bed during the day.  Unfortunately now we are in lock down my wife uses our bedroom as her office and my son the dining room as his school room.  I then resort to gentle music on my headphones and sleep sitting in my recliner.

    I try to make sure I don't sleep too much during the day or it will make me less tired at night but if I only got two or three hours the night before it is essential.

    I hope that you slept well last night.

    All the best,

    Gragon x

  • Hi , like Gragon I’ve had flu vaccines every year since my cancer diagnosis and 18 months ago or so had the pneumonia one. It was a note put on my oncologist letter to the dr that said I should ask for it that made me book an appointment. I was told the pneumonia one was a one off. I often have trouble with cannulas going in and sometimes with blood tests, I like to blame the person doing the deed rather than me. Some people seem to have the knack and others not so much. 

    I always take my own refillable bottle of water with me, or arrive early and get a cup of tea (which is not possible now) and in the winter they have put microwave bags on me. I think the people who have the first go are not as well practiced, and the people who have the second go are more expert, I have been told by one of those 2nd tier people that I can always ask for her if she’s on duty. I also have a theory that those that chat to you make you more relaxed and will be more successful, I think the chatty ones must be more practised if they can chat and concentrate on wha5 they are doing, but I may be wrong! 

    I have not been offered a line, so can’t comment on that although I did have a temporary line put in for my last scan as they had 4 failed attempts putting the cannula in, my treatment a few days later was a hole in one, which is what makes me think it’s not me it’s them. Especially when for a scan I’ve already been there for an hour drinking their liquid. 

    Sleep, I go through phases, when I’m concerned about things and find I’m waking up thinking about them, if I can’t sleep I do something until I’m tired again and start again, not always a good idea, I’ve also tried a walk visualisation which has helped. There’s one in the learning zone I’ve listened to on a HOPE course, and although I consider my self to have no imagination it’s similar to one I used to do so I lay down an imagine opening my car door and the steps to different land marks I remember along the route, I usually get to the seat I pause at and possibly only half way back to the car before I fall asleep. I have not got back to my imaginary car yet to think well that was a waste of time ! 

    I have a scan tomorrow so I perhaps have jinked myself for a bad night tonight but I hope not. I hope you have a peaceful one.

    Take care KT

  • Hi all

    Thank you for all your replies I feel a bit guilty that I am getting so much help but not putting much back in to the forum.

    I have contacted my GP surgery about having the pneumonia vaccine apparently timing increases chances of best protection so optimum time is before treatment starts when immune system is at best (less effective later) also have to make sure dead vaccine not live.  Unfortunately everything has been delayed and there is a national shortage of vaccine because of other "pressing issues" so have to wait and see what GP comes back with as to when/if I can/should I have it and depending on that depends if they still have doses left so watch this space.  

    I will drink more water - I should anyway but I am sitting here looking at the veins in my hands which are obviously quite happy at the moment and visible ....!

    As for sleep I will try everything even if I do sleep at the moment it is not a good sleep so wake up tired - the days also seem longer being at home or is that just me?

    On the plus side the sun is shining, the skies are blue and the birds are singing so have a good day all xx

    Carpe Diem
  • Hello

    I do not have nearly as much experience or expertise as a lot of my fellow cyber friends and it seems like I don't have to present my veins as often as they do.

    Regarding your veins, I can only say, so far, what has worked for me.  Firstly the boring stuff.  I to have a blood test every 4 weeks and then if bloods are ok, I have a bone drip infusion the day following the blood test.

    My veins are now starting to get very lumpy.  I have found like others have mentioned, lots of water to keep hydrated. I  place a warm water bottle on the area I know they are going to use to bring my veins to the surface.  I use it right up until I either need to give blood or have the infusion.

    It works for me so far.

    I think a lot of us are suffering with lack of sleep and the heat really does not help.  I have had a couple of bites which quite large and am using some cream.  I did not used to get infection from a bite but since diagnosis seem to be affected.  Think the body want to put more effort in stabilising the tumour than worrying about a bite.

    I wish everyone good wishes



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome


    I wish you a peaceful night sleep tonight ahead of your scan tomorrow. I hope it’s a hole in one with no waiting time 
