Out of limbo

  • 26 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi Gang 

I had a call today from my new clinical nurse specialist at Guy’s hospital. She rang to say that my consultant will see me on the 1st of June to consent me for chemotherapy.

It’s a daunting prospect. It’s not really what I want to do but the alternative is not to do it and that would mean I’d start the gradual slide towards the end of my life. The aim of the treatment will be to halt the cancer for another short while and allow me some more living space.

So I’m now out of limbo and I have to say it’s a good feeling. Scary. But a good feeling.

  • Hi Daloni 

    Not been online for a few days so a bit out of touch w posts but hope that today is going ahead.  x

    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Hi and indeed all my chums

    I signed on the dotted line for more chemo today, with the aim of controlling the cancer. It will be cisplatin, so I won't lose my hair, but it will be weekly up in London. and will take all day. Do I go on the train? In some ways it is the simplest solution but I can hear the chorus of shouts against the idea from here. I will need to organise a rota of friends. 

    It was a weird visit with everyone in full masks and gloves. I met a very nice CNS who was struggling with a visor that kept steaming up. Being a very expressive person, she kept bashing the mask as she waved her hands around so that made me laugh. 

    I've just been out to walk the dog around the local cricket pitch. I am losing my strength and mobility by the day now so I think this chemo can't come a moment too soon. 

    I hope everyone is able to enjoy this lovely day today 


  • Hi Daloni, so that's the signing all done! What date is your first chemo? It is a pity they can't do it closer to home but if you stick to the correct distance between yourself and anyone else on the train, wear a mask and throw away gloves, I'm sure you will be fine! I'm so pleased it's actually going to happen, you have been a long time in Limbo! Is there an alternative way to travel for treatment?

    I laughed out loud when you said about the CNS struggling with her shield steaming up and her bashing it with her hands! That's what happened to my husband when they started wearing visors in work! He works overnight in the local hospital's Out of Hours service and he wears glasses, so not only did the visor steam up but the glasses did too! He kept bumping the visor with his hands! He has the same problem with a fabric mask! The water runs down from his glasses, down his cheeks and makes the mask wet, especially during this weather!

    I hope you had a very restful night Daloni after your busy day! It is so strange here, it is 22.45 and there is still a bit of light in the sky! I have just come in from watering the garden, the temperature was perfect! I hope your chemo starts ASAP!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    So pleased you are going ahead with the chemo Daloni.  And yes get that rota organised you know if the tables were turned you’d want to help in any way you could.  
    I hope it very quickly allows you better mobility and strength so you can enjoy dog walking.  I went out for a walk for the first time in 10 weeks this evening.  I went with my two sons and Jack our dog it was blissful! 
    Take care everybody 

  • Hi, I was wondering how your chemo was going! I hope you are managing with little or no side effects! Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    There is a few of us going through chemo right now and I am losing track who’s started, who’s finished and who’s in the thick of it. I do hope you’re faring ok. 

    I will start my chemo tomorrow. I managed to put the update in someone else’s thread. In case anyone else is also losing track, it’s here

