Out of limbo

  • 26 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi Gang 

I had a call today from my new clinical nurse specialist at Guy’s hospital. She rang to say that my consultant will see me on the 1st of June to consent me for chemotherapy.

It’s a daunting prospect. It’s not really what I want to do but the alternative is not to do it and that would mean I’d start the gradual slide towards the end of my life. The aim of the treatment will be to halt the cancer for another short while and allow me some more living space.

So I’m now out of limbo and I have to say it’s a good feeling. Scary. But a good feeling.

  • Hi ,

    It's good that you managed to get in touch with your new team or rather that they finally got back in touch with you.  I know when I have changed jobs in the past I found that things like getting the e mail sorted were often problematic even when you think it should be straightforward.

    I know that you aren't looking forward to the chemo but hopefully it will be effective and manageable and given the alternative I like to think that it would be the choice I would make.

    Sorry to hear about your daughter's head injury.  I hope that she is OK and getting better now.  Do they know why she collapsed?

    Love to you all,

    Gragon x

  • Hi I think the flask and sandwiches are a very good idea. Everything tastes different outdoors! So your scan is next week, I hope the weather is good that day so that you can enjoy being outdoors. I hope you have someone with you to share the day out with!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes the scan is a long way off so I won’t think about it for now.

    i was very pleased to get my will altered so my 2 children ca have a gift of a lump sum each when I die and not have to worry about paying tax on it.

    i have a lump of money saved after selling my mums house after she died.

    i keep giving money to my husband every financial year I can add another 20,000 to the ISAs we have one each and I bought him a new hybrid car as I can’t drive any more.

    I like to keep the money safe and not take any risks with an unstable market.

    love x


  • Thanks for the reply. Yes we are in a similar situation with the TK inhibitor I have tried a lot of anti hypertensives and already take 3 . When I up it to 4 I get bad side effects so have dropped the dose which is normal for lenvatinib and it should still hopefully keep things stable for a while.

    though my vision in my right eye dies seem to be deteriorating.

    lovely you can enjoy the drive to your scan. We enjoyed the drive in the new car which has only done 100 miles to get my blood taken in a pod outside the hospital. It is good how we can appreciate things we used to take for granted.

    best wishes x


  • Thanks for the redeploy yes I felt better and relieved to have the will done . It did seem to upset my husband and children when I told them I had done it. But we have to accept the future and plan for it.

    i understand you wanting to do things you know your husband wouldn’t do.

    i worry sometimes how he will cope and whether he will do the things I normally do. But he will have to manage and I can’t worry about these things all the time. The house is fairly up together and Roge rheas been paining the lounge and sorting the garden and doing all the odd jobs.

    i do the baking cleaning and food ordering he is not good on the computer so I have given him my old I pad and am getting him to google things for himself and write to his brother as I always do it all 

    love xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    After so many highs and lows throughout various trials it must feel a bit like Groundhog Day . 

    It's reassuring that this course of treatment is being led by your awesome Consultant and I hope you'll still be more than a little in love with her as it gets underway. Daunting, scary and a good feeling, so familiar. I hope it'll do all that it's meant to as kindly as possible, I like the idea of your Consultant pulling another magic bunny out of the hat and have everything crossed for you.

    I saw my Consultant last week and am restarting chemo tomorrow. I was tolerating weekly paclitaxel and was booked in for a Hickman line but have been switched to nab paclitaxel 3 weekly. Apparently it's very expensive and the NHS wouldn't fund it prior to Covid 19 so I'm lucky, no central line, fewer hospital visits, shorter visits......and a lot stronger, gulp.

    A glorious sunny day here with a high of 26 degrees, looking forward to a spell in the garden this afternoon. 


  • Hi Daloni et al


    Good news and good luck for the 1st June. 

    I had my second chemo last Thursday and the clinic was far busier than my first one.  Although the nurses were on the go the whole time they said they were pleased to see it so hopefully a sign that things are starting to get back to some semblance of normality and treatment for everybody.

    Another hot sunny day today so hopefully the same wherever you all are.

    Have a good day


    Carpe Diem
  • Hi Tinalay

    Good luck with your new chemo tomorrow, I have a blood cancer and don't get chemo so all those names I've seen before but it's gobbledegook to me.

    Send some sunshine over here please, there's a ribbon of cloud hanging over the coasts of County Antrim and Down so we have 17°C just 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    wasn’t it a glorious sunny day yesterday? Actually it was far too hot for me, especially in my compression stockings, so I stayed inside during the heat and ventured out for a walk at 6 pm with the dog. The poor dog was far too hot as well. My girls wrapped her in a wet tea towel and she slept quite happily like that for quite awhile. She keeps looking at me as if to say please make this stop. But my goodness the light as the sun went down. The sky  was the colour of  a just ripe peach for a short while.

    I do hope your chemotherapy goes well today. I hope they find a vein immediately, and bring you lots of nice cups of tea and biscuits and send you home quickly  

    lots of love xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    Glad you have your treatment is  sorted although it’s a daunting thought but we have to make a choice.

    I still haven’t heard anything but I’m keeping busy painting and enjoying the sun.

                 Take care xx