How Our Gardens Grow 2020

  • 21 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello All,

I hope this encourages ever to show their Garden’s progress.

My veggie garden is around a month old, had sent some early photos while she was in the hospital under Bad News .

my roses in the back are about done, but the ones in the front are nice and my early peas are now beginning to bloom. The Giant Sunflowers are growing and i need to eat some radishes and green onion! 

  • Hi everyone

    Below is the photo of my broad beans I promised. I have them in a low bed that I've had for over 30 years but now I've built most of the new beds. As you can see in the photo, there's a celery plant that I can't take out or my wife will not be pleased. Just on the right you can see some fleece that I have put over some early potatoes (Duke of York) that my wife planted. Up until 2 days ago we were having frosts and the plants are now so tall that we can't cover them anymore. The fleece I will be removing because I need it to cover my large onions that I haven't grown seriously since diagnosis. I used to enter the shows and I was, for 3 years running, Northern Ireland champion onion grower but then I used to heat my greenhouse up overnight but I can't afford that now. 

    Right, broad beans below and as Arnie said, I'll be back!

    Tvman x

    PS, you'll notice that Woody is partly covered in black plastic, there was rain forecast overnight and my wife didn't want her baby to get wet! Slight smile

    Love life and family.
  • Good growing 

    I will put a photo of mine when they have grown a bit more x


  • Hi gardening friends (and friends who don't garden)

    Here's a photo of my rhododendron in the back garden. I included the washing pole to give some idea of its height. I've had it for many a year and I love to see its colour every year, I'll have to prune it maybe this year as it's becoming a little tall. It's very popular with the bees.


    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


  • Hi  , Well I had to laugh at Woody with his rain cover, your wife was quite right.

    We have had 2 days of rain here but it never stops the family going out! Below (if it works) I've posted a photo of our grandson on the Campsie Fells on Sunday. I can see them from my front window and it is only 10minutes by car so keeping local. Needless to say, they didn't see another soul! Except when they were having a picnic in the car and a police car stopped to make sure they hadn't broken down! Our son thought they were going to get a fine for being too far away but when they gave our address the policeman laughed and said "well you're keen to get your exercise, can't fault you on that"! You might guess we were not out in the garden at the weekend! Lol! your walk looks lovely and you are just one flower among many!!!!!! (Send the cheque tomorrow!!) lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  , Well I had to laugh at Woody with his rain cover, your wife was quite right.

    We have had 2 days of rain here but it never stops the family going out! Below (if it works) I've posted a photo of our grandson on the Campsie Fells on Sunday. I can see them from my front window and it is only 10minutes by car so keeping local. Needless to say, they didn't see another soul! Except when they were having a picnic in the car and a police car stopped to make sure they hadn't broken down! Our son thought they were going to get a fine for being too far away but when they gave our address the policeman laughed and said "well you're keen to get your exercise, can't fault you on that"! You might guess we were not out in the garden at the weekend! Lol!  your walk looks lovely and you are just one flower among many!!!!!! (Send the cheque tomorrow!!) lol!

    Of course our Grandson is fully knitted out in a waterproof suit but it was his dad who fell in! Typical!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  •  Hi Millie, Good for you and I'm sure you will turn your daughter and granddaughter into gardeners too! I have lots of bulbs, crocus, snowdrops, daffodils, narcissus, tulip,hyacinth, etc and I leave them in the soil from one year to the next. They still multiply and come back every year. It would be too hard to lift them all then plant them again. The only bulbs I lift and replant are delhias as they can be a bit delicate and we normally have bad winters. What I do with them, is keep them in pots then lift the pot after flowering, take the bulbs out to dry, then replant in a pot next time!

    Im so pleased to hear you are keeping busy and good luck with the scan later today! I hope you don't have to wait long for the results!

    Stay safe & Take Care everyone,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear ,

    yes, it is Gorgeous!  

    Wonderful to see you are getting out and about.  
    spring is a magical time of year. Wonderful blooms and volors and vistas. 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    This doesn’t do the patch of ajuga (bugle) full justice. It’s about a metre square and three inches high, a little sea of dark blue with bees hovering. The dog likes sitting in it and looking fetching with her little button nose sniffing gently at the flowers.