In limbo

  • 14 replies
  • 43 subscribers

 IIllI am waiting for a call from my Oncologist i last spoke to her at the end of March.At that time she told me my immunotherapy was stopping as I had mixed results from my scan.She would ring me in 8 weeks and would talk about chemo but this was the start of lockdown.

I have a call from a enhancement group every few weeks to see how I am getting on.I spoke to the nurse and said I haven’t received y call yet from the Doctor.She went on line to check but nothing there so she emailed her for me.She said not to be down hearted if she didn’t have treatment for me yet because of the virus.Its had not to your Just waiting for news and there seems no end to it.

Sorry to be miserable but a bit fed up. I’ll be ok in a bit. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    What a lovely thing to say. Thank you, my friend. 

    I am planning a lovely weekend. We have a family quiz night on Saturday and I am the host. This week it is food bingo. I have made 75 questions and I will share the answers. Participants make a grid of 5 by 5 and pick 25 answers and fill them in. Then I pick out numbers out of a bag, ask the corresponding question and they tick off if they have the right answer. We will play first to one line, first to two lines and first to full house.

    It is a really fun way of doing a quiz. We will all dress up and make up silly team names so there are extra points there. I will buy and send out some little prizes for the winners. 

    I hope everyone has a lovely day today despite the downturn in the weather


  • That sounds wonderful Daloni, what a great idea. Enjoy the weekend.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi Tvman 

    what a lovely picture . I returned to West Yorkshire when my husband became ill, but lived in North Yorkshire for a number of years. I live in a village on the outskirts of the city with farms and sGrinningep in the fields which your picture reminds me of. I know it probably sounds very strange but the gas of the sheep in the summer I find very relaxingGrinning I can hear them clearly with the windows open. One of the pluses of the pandemic has been bird Eagle song. Normally I can hear it but also the hum of the A1 . Lack of traffic means clearer bird song. Iam  not very far from Harewood House,Red tailed Kites were reintroduced to the area. They clearly love living here as they are breeding well and we have constant sights of this lovely bird throughout the day. Take care 

  • And people say it's the cows contributing to global warming, you never hear about farting sheep!!! 




    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.