Spitefulness from family members

  • 7 replies
  • 41 subscribers

This is a sort of follow on from the thread about being described as brave.

I've got the opposite from my sister, who has recently sent me text messages and left me an answerphone message saying what a throughly nasty person I am, how she doesn't care about me in the slightest, how I think no one has ever been more unfortunate than me, how I tell people about my cancer when I shouldn't burden them etc.

Life has been very stressful for us as a family during the past 2 years.  My father had a series of health issues over years eventually very disabled by s stroke, and dying unexpectedly last June (the day after discharged "recovered" from hospital).  My mother has had several life threatening events during the course of lewy body dementia and is now immobile with parkinsonism. She has defied medical expectation, and ours, that she is still alive.  My brother (who lives in USA so hasn't been involved in practical support for our parents) was diagnosed with prostate cancer and basal cell carcinoma in the past 18 months.  Nearly 2 years ago I was incidentally diagnosed with stage 2 myeloma, a treatable but incurable blood cancer. I had a stem cell transplant on the same day as my brother had prostate surgery. Five months later I was told that I had thyroid cancer following a demi thyroidectomy (although subsequently I've been told that it wasn't a true cancer).

My sister and I had jointly given our parents a great deal of support over the past 7 years.  They moved to live near me when travelling to them became very burdensome for both of us, who lived 2 1/2 hours drive away in opposite directions. Unfortunately I was diagnosed less than 2 years later and my poor immune system & treatment limited how much I could do for my parents, leaving my sister to travel long distances regularly to support them.

I was so shocked to get these vile messages from my sister,  it feels utterly contemptuous, like a physical assault.  She was a physiotherapist so has some medical knowledge so I had thought she'd have some understanding of what I've been through. Instead she has twisted manipulated things I've told her &  I feel she has exploited my vulnerabilities.  She had always insisted the myeloma will not be life limiting, on the basis that one of her husband's acquaintances has had myeloma for 18 years, despite my first haematologist saying she's be seeing me for 3 to 4 years, and my current one telling my former employer my life expectancy was around 7 years.  At the time I thought my sister was trying to give me hope, now it feels she has always been denying my reality. 

My mother has a 24 hour carer who had told me that my sister has been hysterically upset, frequently crying to her, and to her colleagues who give her respite, running down my brother and myself. I know my sister has felt pulled between her responsibilities for her husband & young adult children and our parents and I tried to remember always to thank her for what she was doing. She wouldn't hand back tasks I could resume doing, such as shopping, and would spend time writing (justifiable) complaints when I felt we should just let things go.

My brother will not read her messages sent to me (& not responded to) as he wants to maintain relationships with both of us, I think believing that this will blow over in time. In practice this means I feel at some level he agrees with her, so I feel inhibited about telling him whato Is going on for me (eg to see spinal consultant) so although we talk regularly, it's empty, "I'm fine".  So it feels like my sister has taken his support, as well as her own.

I know what my sister has said isn't true, that it is spiteful and was designed to be hurtful.  I'm trying not to dwell on it, but just wanted to tell peoplel who would understand how I might be feeling. My husband is able to compartmentalize things and feels I should just forget it.



  • PS I feel quite ashamed of my sister's feelings towards me.  I feel somehow that it reflects on me, and I wonder whether our family has always been dysfunctional. 


  • FormerMember

    Well   just reading this is almost like a physical blow, so no wonder it feels like an assault to you!

    I'm so sorry for all you and your family have been through and are still going through. Any one of these things would be challenging, but collectively.... it must feel relentless, you've all taken such a battering for too long.

    It sounds like your sister is very angry, scared and desperately in need of a break and some attention. She seems to be in denial about your situation, perhaps minimising your health problems is a coping mechanism? She sounds resentful of the attention your diagnosis gets you.

    She's really lashing out and no doubt there are some family dynamics coming to the surface but it doesn't mean you're a dysfunctional family, you could still be a good family having a very bad time. I wonder how any family would hold up in the same situation.

    The only things you can control are your thoughts and your actions. I have no idea how to help other than to say try to take a huge step back and if at all possible put a bit of time and distance between these events and whatever happens next.

    However hurtful it seems this is not about your brother, it's between you and your sister, he's wise to protect his relationships with both of you.

    Do you want your sister to be part of your life? I don't see how you can just forget an outburst like this, but you may surprise yourself by being able to draw a line under it sooner rather than later and without as much distress as you imagine. I'm sure it doesn't feel like that.

    You've come to the right place and I'm sure someone will be able to offer more practical advice.


  • Oh Jane ( ) What a time you and your family have had! I totally agree with everything has said in her reply. I'm wondering when you say your parents moved closer to you, so you could look after them does that mean at that time they moved further from your sister? I know LB Dementia is a very difficult thing for families to deal with on their own. It does sound as if your sister has come to the end of her tether and is lashing out to the only person she can. She wouldn't say anything to your mum and your brother is in US so can't do anything from there. I wonder if she was managing to cope before the Lockdown started and if she is still working?

    All families have fallouts at one time or another but as Tinalay has asked, do you still want her in your life? I personally know I will never fall out with either of my sisters for any length of time. Sometimes it's best to leave well alone for a while but then if they didn't contact me, I would make the first contact in order to get some kind of dialogue between us, even if it was talking about insignificant things like the weather, so that the door was slowly opening. Only you know your family and if this is out of character for your sister. If it is, give her the benifit of the doubt that things have just got on top of her, for now.

    I have no practical solution either but agree your brother is doing the right thing by keeping out of it. I hope you feel better after writing this down and getting it out of your system! We are here to support one another, so please let us know how things are going and don't let this affect your health!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    Hi Jane I am sorry to hear what has happened and I read it with insight. 

    A few months ago my sister did something very similar over something my other sister had said. Rather than a message I got two emails that made me out to be the devil incarnate. I could see the misunderstanding right from the start but as she was totally off on one there was no use trying to speak to her. We are usually the closest of the siblings and very good friends but this happened once before over something my brother  said ( poor thing he has Special Needs and was telling a little lie to get himself out of trouble, as he often does). That time she would not speak to me for 18 months and I really missed her. 

    I was in a very bad place this time when it happened having had bad results which she did not want to know about and my other sister was terrified to contact me in case she found out. All very silly goings on for grown adults but very hurtful too. The saving grace was the rest of the family although they did not take sides they ( especially my sister in law's) increased there contact with me and kept me going.  I was really upset that I would die and her and my sister would not attend the funeral even

    Eventually she did calm down never apologised, but I have never known her apologise to anyone ever. Now she is back contacting me but it is not the way it was and she never wants to know anything about me. However I am now closer with my brother's and their wives. My other sister has recently started texting me again but were only ever touch base a few times a year. 

    I can understand your brother not wanting to take sides but I think he should give you extra support when he can. When speaking to him though it is important to try to focus on other things and not your sister. You and he might be one closer and even if she does not want to be part of your life now she probably will in the future. 

    When my sister eventually made contact I decided.just to go with the flow and not ask any questions ( my brother had already told me what an ass she had been and that they had worked out their mistake). It's hard to take back words especially when they are in writing but you have to hang on to what you know is right and understand people when annoyed or upset can be unreasonable. 

    You know how much you share re you illness and how much you suffer in silence others can never know that as it is different for everyone. It might be that she is the one struggling to cope I know my sister once said she felt guilt that I have got the defective genes while they have good health. 

    My thoughts are with you, having a big family can be a nightmare at times but sometimes it is good as you have others to support you. 

    One of the first things my sister sent me after the scathing attack was a poem she has wrote for my funeral and it is beautiful. So even though she has not and never will ask forgiveness how could I not. 

    I hope things get back on track soon. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Jane, so sorry to hear of your sisters behaviour, it must have been very distressing.  I just wanted to say I understand where you are coming from.

    i had a poor relationship with my sister before I was diagnosed with fault on both sides. Cancer seemed to make this worse, and I had to spend time talking through things with my counsellor to try to cope. Unlike everyone else, my sister seemed to become more bitter towards me after my diagnosis, and caused me a lot of distress, whereas all friends and family were hugely supportive.

    ultimately it’s up to you to decide how you want to take your relationship forward, do you want to resolve things or perhaps avoid her altogether.  She sounds a very unhappy person and it is important to remember you are not responsible for this, she is her own person.

    i don’t have much contact with my own sister now, which is sad but ultimately a relief.  I‘Ve chosen to spend my time left with people I love and who love me, rather than spend time being upset with someone who has their own problems.  This sounds selfish I know but not all problems can be fixed and being incurable (and terminal in my case) takes up a lot of energy which I focus on more positive things.

    i hope things improve for you and you find some peace, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Cancer can sometimes amplify all our emotions, but remember you are not to blame for your sisters unacceptable behaviour xxxx

  • Thank you so much everyone for taking the time to send such thought out replies.  It is helping. X


  • FormerMember

    Dear Jane 

    I am so terribly sad for the pain your sister has inflicted on you. You sound very balanced about it, saying that you know it’s not true and can see it comes from a place of pain for your sister. But it has hurt you and robbed you of your brother’s support and maybe even your husband’s support too? I sense you feel very alone. 

    I feel especially sad given that I have just been able to mend my relationship with my sister after years of difficulties. I am definitely not about to dwell on that except to say that I do get how uniquely deeply a sister can cut us. 

    At the end of the day we can only be the stewards of our own behaviour. All I can say is that whatever you do, make sure you draw on the reserves of kindness you feel for your sister. Remember her words are not true, that they come from her own pain and be compassionate. It’s all any of us can do. 

    With much love xxx