
  • 29 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Well, it had to happen. I completely lost the plot and smashed some mugs, kicked a few pots, screwed up some photos etc. Such rage! Screamed a bit. Feeling somewhat better now. Probably should have done it about 18 months ago. 

Would have smashed up more, but boyfriend interrupted. 

Been angry for a long time.


  • Everyone here will completely understand. I am bubbling myself.  You will feel better now.  Make this a regular event. Best wishes flowerlady.

  • FormerMember

    You have every right to feel angry . Well done for taking it out on mugs, pots & photos and not your boyfriend.

    Far better to let it out, it’s too exhausting to carry around. Hope you feel much better at least for a while.


  • I think I replied too casually to you flowerlady. This situation allied to our various ills is causing massive difficulties. Nothing wrong with getting properly excited and causing a bit of mayhem.

    I bet loads of our friends on here have done it, are thinking about doing it or thinking about doing worse things. It wouldnt take much to pop me. Your pet will utterly understand you, I can guarantee that. 

    Dont let it keep you awake, will look different tomorrow.

  • Hi ,

    Good for you, I hope it has left you feeling better.  I think it takes a brave person to lose it, and a brave boyfriend as well to interrupt it.  It is perfectly understandable that at times you get angry and want to lash out and it will probably do you some good.  It certainly won't do any harm, as long as you are wearing decent footwear when you kick the pots!  I used to use the opportunity to scream at the top of my voice in the car now and again, another lost option during the lock down, I found it really cathartic.  I was always in the car on my own at the time or it could have been somewhat alarming for any passengers.

    Take care, love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • Hi  Good for you! Better out than in! Maybe we should start a Meltdown Club as I'm sure most here have had one at some time or another and the strange thing is, it starts because of the silliest things. The straw that broke the camels back as the say.  The main thing is to have it, enjoy it, then move on. Don't dwell on it and you will feel better tomorrow, I hope! What a brave boyfriend indeed! Was he out when it started or did he walk in on it? Or was he there the whole time? At least you didn't take it out on him, good for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Oh I say, . Well done, you! Sometimes this is exactly what’s called for. I even know some doctors who prescribe this. They were working in a very rundown council state on the outskirts of Birmingham. They set up a room with old crockery and invited people really at the end of the tether to just smash things up for a bit. I’m getting some good results in terms of reduced prescriptions for antidepressants. They also provide a poetry to some people.  Horses for courses.

    So what’s next? I think good  smashing up session its best followed by a good bonfire. We got lots of stuff you can burn? It’s highly satisfactory watching your old junk go up in this sparks.

    Chin up! Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon


    I'm another who used to scream in the car every so often, and shout out all my frustrations. I miss that now that I'm stuck in the house and never completely alone. I think we all need an outlet.

  • Perhaps a punchbag or similar would be a good idea? We could all make one! 

    Deep down, I am angry that no one realised that I was literally wasting away, especially the boyfriend. But then I didn't realise that I was ill either. No one is to blame. 

    I had to get out and take a little walk yesterday. I didn't see anyone and I could admire a wisteria that is growing in a front garden. 

    I wish we could all hold each others hands, really tightly. 

    Lots of love xx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    i Think this group lets us all hold hands tightly as we go along, what a lovely thought.  It sounds like your meltdown has done you some good, I’m a great believer in letting these emotions wash over us, they are valid ones to have and just as valuable as the positive ones to our emotional well being.  Buy a stack of cheap plates and smash them every so often, that’s what I say.

    anyway hope you are feeling better today and can get a wee quiet walk to see some wisteria again xxxx

  • Oh Flowerlady

    You are always backing me so I'm here to help you, to try to give you some support. Life's a bitch, I think we all know that. Why us? Why not some of the evil so and so's that are around. Most of the time cancer has us on the back foot but occasionally, just occasionally, we retaliate which is just what you have done, retaliated.

    Glad to hear that you feel somewhat better now, it's good to get it out of your system. Your boyfriend is a brave man. Normally when a wife/partner kicks off we slip out the back door but in this case he knew that you weren't angry with him, so he stepped in as peacemaker. 

    If your anger reoccurs please don't be kicking any pots. One, you might hurt your foot and have a reminder each time you limp for the next few years. Two, pots are sacred, they're our vessels that we choose to put our lovely flowers in.

    I'm sure you're glad to have got the frustration and anger out of your system. Take care now Flowerlady

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.