Tv man

  • 4 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Happy birthday and have a fantastic day you deserve it 

  • Hi Flippen

    Thank you so much, I've just been pottering around, I said yesterday that I would just relax. My son and wife cooked carbonnade of beef for me, one of my favourite meals and it was lovely, so full of flavour. 

    Thanks again, a thousand times.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    It sounds like you had the birthday you wanted and deserved. I’ve been on hospital rations since Thursday and talk of beef carbonnade is making me drool. 

    Doubtless one of the first questions to me on my return home later today will be “what would you like to eat?” Hmmmm. What shall I say? 


  • Hi Daloni

    Yes I had a good day. On the subject of "what would you like for dinner mum?" Definitely carbonnade of beef should be up there, along with my stew, no lamb, steak pieces instead. We think proper Irish stew is a bit greasy. 

    All the same, sometimes the simplest of meals can take on a different meaning. My wife and I were walking around the garden, just having a nosey, making plans etc. She suggested we go in for a cuppa just before 3, so I agreed and we went in and joined our son who lives at home still.  My phone rang and it was my daughter and grandson on WhatsApp video. Great. Then my elder son and his new wife joined us from Bolivia. Fantastic. Well, then my (not so much of a surprise) cake was brought over to the table and they all sang Happy Birthday together! I was stunned, too surprised to get emotional but if I had thought about it I would have had tears galore Slight smile  We all had a good matter, I thoroughly enjoyed myself..

    So whatever you have made for you after you arrive home will forever be a significant meal.forever. 

    Whatever you have Daloni, enjoy Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Brilliant. You must have been delighted,  

    And well done to your family for coordinating thatvacriss time zones. I'd have got it wrong, I'm sure.