Bad news

  • 184 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi gang 
I talked to my today oncologist about the scan on Tuesday and it’s not good news.

The tumours in my lungs are growing and there’s a new growth in the liver.

They think the pain I’m in is caused by growth in the cancer around my kidney. It’s now pressing on a nerve and this (rather than the spine tumour which was last week’s theory) would also explain the numbness in the skin on my thigh.

The team has proposed radiotherapy to the kidney tumour with the aim of giving me some pain control. They (and I) think this is the top priority. 

Beyond that UCLH has no useful trials to offer so my oncologist is contacting Barts, Guys and the Marsden to see if they have anything.

Sorry to bring bad news but I know you like to know.

I’ve been in appalling pain for a few days now and the hospice nurses have been great. I’m now on stronger pain killers to try to bring the pain under control. I’m hoping the next 24 hours will see some change because frankly I can’t go on like this. 

It’s been frightening how quickly I’ve deteriorated. On Monday I was walking the dog. Ok I was struggling but I did it.  Today I’ve been in too much pain to stand long enough to cook dinner. I guess it takes only a small amount of growth to go from not pressing on a nerve to pressing on a nerve.

It feels like I’ve crossed a rubicon here. I’m no longer treatable but not curable. Now it’s the palliative phase. It’s a lot to take in. There have been tears here, from both me and my daughter 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


  • Daloni..firstly apologies to everyone as I know I shouldn't be posting on here but hopefully you will forgive me . I do follow posts on the site and am inspired by each and every one of you facing the challenges that you face in very difficult circumstances with such positivity. You have all taught me and others so much and encouraged us when we have been down and lifted us with your lovely photos and advice when the going gets tough. I just wanted you all to know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers but Daloni, you are such a strong supportive talented lady with two wonderful daughters, you really do not deserve to be going through all that you are going through at the moment. How you find the strength within you to fight this and still remain cheerful in spite of such pain amazes me. I hope you feel better soon and I hope that you can get back to your lovely little family and noodle quickly. I speak on behalf of the whole womb group whom I feel sure wish to send you all their virtual hugs and love and best wishes for a speedy and comfortable recovery. I really didn't know where to post this where it would be seen by you so please accept my apologies if I have upset anyone or  Macmillan by using this group. I know there have recently been a few losses so while I'm here could I please extend my condolences to the families of johnty and wee blond and others affected. Right, I'm finished so I shall return to my usual home. God bless everyone and thank you all again. Please continue to be the lovely, courgeous, awe inspiring determined people you all are. Love lamb.xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Daloni I have just remembered the silver dressing. If the burns take hold these were amazing I wished I'd known about them earlier. Not only did they accelerate the healing they eased the pain tremendously. However I had really push for them as apparently they are very expensive but you know what we are worth it. 

    Love take care and I don't expect a reply you must be worn out. 

  • Hello Daloni

    Hoping this finds you pain free and with chocolate. Thinking of you, hang on in there.


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Oh daloni, that sounds awful, I hope tinalay is right and it is a sign of the radiotherapy working so well and I hope you get on top of the pain and home to your daughters soon.

    there, I am sending you a balloon of hope, and a big hug too xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you again, you lovely lot. I’m feeling buoyed up by the love and you’ve made me laugh several times. Chocolate and social distancing rules indeed Joy

    I don’t have any signs of burns, thank goodness, but I’m well armed with knowledge if that unfortunate situation arises. 

    Sshh! I won’t tell if you don’t. It’s so long since I was in the womb group that I’m amazed anyone remembers me. It’s lovely to hear from you. Give my love to any of the womb mates who think of me. 

    I feel like things have turned round here. They doubled the steroids. It’s now six hours since I’ve had break through pain bad enough to need the liquid oxycodone. I’m clearer in my head as a result. So next the onset of steroid mania Scream

    Wishing you all a peaceful evening and quiet night. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Daloni, what a relief.  I'm glad to hear that the doc has gotten your pain under control.  I hope they get you your chocolates soon!

    Have a good evening, yourself.  I hope you sleep well and have sweet dreams.

    Ordinary Days


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    They did, ! I ate a whole bag of Maltesers. While most friends said “let me know if there’s anything blah blah blah”, one came up with a bag of chocolate. What a star Star2 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ps I don’t really mean the blah blah bit. That’s rude of me and not kind. I hope you get the gist of what I am trying to say. It’s been a long and trying day. 

  • Hi

    So glad you are feeling better now pain is under control. Maltesers are definitely uplifting. Just sad one you get to the last one. Thank god for the friends who know what is needed.