Happy Easter

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  • 42 subscribers

Hi fellow incurables

Just want to wish everyone a Happy strange Easter, it's certainly not the Easter that many had planned but I would love to be wishing everyone a Happy normal Easter next year. Here's hopin'.

Tvman xx

  • FormerMember

    Happy Easter Tvman and all who read this. We all hope for better things next year. 

    Michele xx

  • Hi  & The Incouragables (no, I didn't misspell it!) ,

    It started off this morning looking like it was going to be another grey day but then the sun broke through and it was a glorious afternoon! I was in the garden planting summer flowering bulbs etc when our daughter came through the side gate into the garden. They live eight doors down but we haven't seen them since we popped round for Ella's 5th birthday on 1 April. Turns out our oldest grandchild Leah (8) has woken in the night crying for the last few nights asking for her Gran & Grandad, she dreamt something had happened to us and our daughter said she was inconsolable. So they played helped in the garden and were so happy! It was terrific to see them!

    Yes, Michelle, it is very strange indeed and we all hope next year we will be able to celebrate properly! As I haven't been out, I didn't buy choc eggs but made Crispy Bars and they have gone down a treat!   I will attempt to put a photo here but not sure if it will work. Everyone said that was better than an Easter egg. We gave some to our son & family, our daughter & family, our 84 year old neighbour whose husband died three years ago, so is on her own. Another older neighbour round the corner who is also on his own, he is 92 & the bars went down a treat, with old and young alike!


    This cuts into 20 squares!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Chocolate looks lovely.

    we have a chocolate egg each.

    i made a quiche with the rest of the purple sprouting broccoli from the garden 

    I am feeling better today 

    love to everyone 


  •  Purple sprouting broccoli and cheese quiche 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Annette, your crispy bars look yummy. I'm sure they went down a treat.

    Michele xx

  • Hi Ruth, I'm so pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better and hope you keep improving day by day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    I was thinking no wonder everyone went home happy with one of those until I read that it was cut into 20 pieces!

    It looks lovely Annette. My wife made her traditional lemon meringue pie that she has made for decades but this time only 3 of us were eating it, so for the first time ever, there's half of it left for today! 

    My wife made her traditional lemon meringue pie that she has made for decades but this time only 3 of us were eating it, so for the first time ever, there's half of it left for today! 

    For you, yesterday was such a special day, seeing your grandchildren, I hope little Leah slept better last night and had a much happier dream, maybe that she, her mum and sister, Ella came into your garden and ate cake again Slight smile And the sun shone!

    Have a great day with Vince, hope the sun shines today again.

    Tvman xxx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Happy Easter to the Incredibles Wink

     2 days of lemon meringue pie sounds lovely...I'm no baker but am told it's quite a skill to make a good one. It sounds like there's been a lot of cooking and baking going on.

     so pleased you were able to have that special time with your family.  also very pleased to hear you're feeling better.

    It still all feels surreal, the sunshine and amazing birdsong definitely help. I hope everyone stays well and in as good spirits as possible and that we can all look forward to better times to come.


  • Hi Tvman, Well you thought right the first time, almost. I made 4 trays, so our son & daughter got a tray each for their families to share! One tray got split between neighbour's and the other was cut and put in an air tight tin and kept so that my husband can have a couple of pieces each day with his coffee!

    Well last night our boiler went out! The plumber who put it in lives locally but when Vince phoned him to tell him there was water leaking from the boiler, he gave us the number for the people who make the boilers. It's still under warranty, it's a fault in the boiler. Yes I bet you've guessed it, of course it's a Holiday Weekend so the place is closed until Tuesday! The temp last night was 1degree! Brrrr!! It's amazing how quickly the house cools down. So at the moment, I am writing this in bed with a hot water bottle at my feet and one at my back.

    I see down south is to have temperatures of 20-23 this week whereas here our high is about 13! At least if it is dry, I can go into the garden for a heat!!!

    Stay safe and Warm everyone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!