My Big Day Out Up London Town

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi folks 

I’m writing this from a hospital bed at UCLH in central London  after my big day out. Oooh the excitement. 

It all began about 11.30 when, well, not to beat about the bush, I wet myself. I have a small tumour on my spine, near the bottom at L2 and I’d been warned that this could happen if the tumour pressed on the spinal cord. If this or a variety of other equally depressing symptoms arose, it was a medical emergency and I should go to hospital immediately. 

All good advice in normal times. But these are not normal times so I called my GP. He was on holiday, would I like to speak to another doctor? Why yes I would and 20 minutes later the phone rang. I explained what had happened (and continues) and the GP said sounds like an emergency to me but I need to speak to my senior colleague. Meantime I rang the oncologist at the trials unit. Sounds like an emergency to me, she said, but I want to speak to a senior colleague and your GP. 

So they all spoke to each other and by 1.30 the oncologist from the trials unit called back to say I should bypass my local hospital as I don’t have a consultant there and head instead to A&E at UCLH where they were expecting me and would do an MRI scan as a first step. Expect to stay overnight at least one night. 

My isolating friend was just on her way out the door for a walk when I called to ask for a lift. Half an hour later, after a quick piece of toast, satsuma and chunk of toblerone (got to get my priorities right here) and packing an overnight bag, she picked me up. 

A&E was strangely quiet when I arrived at 3.15. Security guards at the door asked me to sanitise my hands and put on a mask. By 4pm I was in a cubicle on the non covid side of majors and being looked after by a nurse I know from the trials unit. A familiar face, even if masked, is a big comfort at times like this. By 6pm I’d had the MRI. By 6.30 I was in a bed in the oncology ward. At 7 I saw the oncology registrar. 

The good news: there is no spinal compression. Phew! However, the tumour is pressing on the nerves exiting the spinal column causing pain and numbness in my leg. That doesn’t explain the urinary incontinence so they are checking for an infection. She started me on steroids. 

The whole place is spotless but this danger from covid-19 is real. The porter who wheeled me up to the ward revealed he’d just lost a colleague to the disease. 

It feels surreal to be writing about rushing in to hospital when so many of us are being told to stay away. I am in no doubt that I wouldn’t have had this advice if it wasn’t the right thing to do but it’s such a contrast. It feels like the NHS has been here for me big time today. 

  • HI

    What a day I'm so glad you made time for the toblerone!!   Great you got the speedy investigation you needed I guess our support teams are there for us all if we need them.  Sleep sound you certainly deserve it after the day you have had (steroids permitting) Hopefully you will be back home safely on lock down before you know it

    Best wishes

  • Oh   I've just looked at my iPad and saw your name! I'm upset to be reading you are in hospital and out of lockdown! It's great you are being looked after and yes a familiar face can make a lot of difference to the way you feel. Somehow it doesn't matter if you have only seen them once before, it's a familiar face that matters.

    I'm so pleased it's not a spinal compression. If you remember I had that problem last year with my feet and legs going numb and then, like you, I couldn't control my bladder. It's a horrible feeling but my MRI showed it was a spinal decompression, so I had to have surgery. I do hope they get to the bottom (no pun intended! Lol) of this and sort it out quickly so you can get home to your daughter, your dog and your garden! Please keep us informed of what's happening. Oh if the steroids keep you awake and you feel like a chat, I'm usually about! Although I'd rather you had a good nights sleep! Does this mean you can't have visitors while you are there, so no one will be able to bring you the rest of your Toblerone??? Oh no, I hope not! Make sure your daughter hides it so that Noodle doesn't find it!!!

    Please take care, stay safe and get home ASAP! You know your in my thoughts and prayers but I'll be praying extra long tonight!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette, 

    Steady on! Take a deep breath and have a cup of tea and I’ll answer your questions. 

    Yes I do remember your spinal decompression. It does make my head spin rather. A spinal compression is A Bad Thing but then so, apparently, is a spinal decompression. Good job I’m not a doctor, eh? I’ll see the consultant in the morning so I hope I’ll have my wits about me enough to ask what happens if the steroids don’t reduce the compression of the nerves exiting the spine? There was talk yesterday of radiotherapy but I’ve already had a lot of that. We shall see. 

    You are right about the visitors. My daughter packed me a food bag and put in lots of fruit but oddly not the rest of the Toblerone. What was she thinking? My big girl drove home from uni yesterday afternoon (I bought her a car and her dad helps fund it precisely so she can get home in a hurry) so the girls will be together. I must say I felt happier leaving my little one with the dog than I would have felt leaving her alone until her sister arrived. 

    Joking aside, thank you for your prayers, my dear friend 


  • Hi Daloni, I hope you got some sleep but steroids can keep you awake. Maybe as you've only been taking them for one day, they won't have their full effect on your sleeping habits yet!

    I'm so pleased big sister has come to the rescue! Great for her to have a car too! Im sure everyone will feel happier when she gets here and of course it will let you relax and just get better! I hope! I was going to ask if your youngest daughter was maybe staying with a cousin or the cousin was staying at your house, so thanks for reading my mind and telling me before I asked yet another question!!!

    I hope the consultant comes round to do his rounds early, so you don't have too much waiting around.

    Now when are you going to solve the case of the missing Toblerone!! Soon, when you get home, I hope! I hope you are comfortable!

    Ill go back to my jigsaw now. I last checked here about 4.30am so I didn't miss you by much. I thought oh that's good, you must be asleep. I do hope you manage some before breakfast!

    Take Care my friend! I am with you in spirit. Here's a big (((HUG))) hope it helps...a bit!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    Hi Daloni, 

    So sorry to hear you have been hospitalised. That's not where any of us wish to be, especially during these difficult times. I hope they can sort you out promptly and you can get home to enjoy the rest of your Toblerone.

    Regards. .... Michele xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Daloni you have been doing so well too.

    I hope this is a minor blip there is a quick solution to and you get home very soon.

    Sounds like you are being well looked after though.

  • Hi there so sorry to hear that you are in hospital but in a strange way I think you have been an example to us all that if we need help from the hospital they are still there for us even though they have this virus to contend with which I myself have been worried about and everyone else no doubt especially with so many of us on here who has had their treatment like chemo put on hold I hope you get better soon you are and such an inspiration to us all with your consent support and advice I will never forget the time I was in such a state one day on my very first post that I sent didn't think anyone would listen to me waffling on and on and you were the first person to contact me and then it was constant Bing bongs Thank you you have me the strength and hope to carry on get well soon love the chocolate moment you had before you went and keep fighting onxxxxx

  • Hi Daloni ,

    sorry to here you are In hospital during this covid 19. Must be worrying enough for you without that. Seems they are doing all the right things and hopefully can sort your symptoms.

    Dear All,

    i haven't posted for ages as haven’t felt well after reacting  badly to the increase in BP medication 

    We are doing ok apart from me stopping the lenvatinib and now taking codeine as well as paracetamol for the headaches.
    However I am still walking Oliver down the track by our house. I planted seed trays yesterday to grow courgettes leeks carrots parsley broccoli we put them in the shed at night and bring them out in the day to water them.
    I am going to have a go at making sourdough bread as I couldn’t get any yeast. I have bought a freezer for the garage and we are getting fish delivered from Cornwall.
    We are enjoying the good weather and the nice views around. The oil seed rape is coming out now.
    We haven’t been out now for about a month. the new car has done no mileage. We will do a trip into Bristol to get my blood tested in the pod in car park in oncology.
    I hope you are managing to keep cheerful. I have had a go at the guitar and may even try some painting.
    Love Ruth x


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Michele 

    Thank you for your kind wishes, especially given what you’ve been going through around your own treatment being put on hold. I’m sorry I haven’t replied to your thread. I didn’t know quite what to say as I’ve been lucky enough not to be affected by this so far. I do feel so for you and everyone caught in this awful situation. 

    As regards chocolate,  can let you into a secret? We’ve got not one but two giant Toblerones at home. It involves my guilt-ridden ex husband. Best not to ask, tbh.  There’s a fighting chance my daughters will have left some for me. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you, Sheena. It has turned out to be a minor blip although it was pretty scary yesterday before the MRI and waiting for the results. I am being very well looked after. The nurse thinks I should be on my way home late this afternoon 
