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Hi, I am new to this site.  I certainly don't want to appear flippant but I can't be sad, miserable and angry so sometimes I am grateful for the life I've had and still have left and sometimes I am quite happy. Does this make me well adjusted or just in denial. I don't always know how I should feel and don't always want to share with friends and family.

  • Hello Cancer mum. Anything anyone feels like on here is normal.

    I think I actually feel like you a lot of the time and people find it very odd when I laugh  which I do most if the time.

    There are people on here in a terrible and horrific situations but they can be hilarious on their posts.

    Share anything here, you will find the forum very therapeutic.

    You will get replies from people with far more experience than me, if fun is better than misery from your point of view and mine I will join your club!

    Best wishes.

  • Hi   You've come to the right place. A warm welcome! I like you at the beginning was quite flippant but soon realised my family didn't share the joke and in fact they got quite upset! So I obviously didn't want to upset them any more, so held back with the jokes. Here everyone understands that you are not in denial, it's just your coping mechanism. I wonder have you joined the Group here called "Laughter is the Best Medicine" you might enjoy that!

    Whatever you feel, someone here has felt the same so don't be shy in sharing!!

    I have always enjoyed life and laughter and am a glass half full type of person. Cancer hasn't changed that!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hey there

    As the others have said, whatever you feel is the right thing to feel. There is no right or wrong in this game of life, unless you lose yourself for too long in a negative emotion - that's when things get a bit worrying. Luckily, with the help of the group, we don't often end up stuck in one place and on one emotion, and we are all supported through everything to help us cope.

    If you've had a look through this section, you'll see there are are all sorts of threads to do with life - gardening, baking, shopping, births, deaths, birthdays, weddings, everything! We might all have incurable cancer, but that doesn't mean that our lives are over or suddenly stop at diagnosis. Things keep on going, and there's lots to laugh and smile about, even through the dark times!

    So stay, chat, mingle, laugh, do what you will. You're very welcome here!



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember


    I think everything I want to say has already been said. Whatever you are feeling is normal and I’m glad you feel happy from time to time. The longer I live with this incurable cancer, the happier I feel to be honest. I think feeling grateful for my life well lived has a lot to do with it. 

    I think the thing I can usefully add is to say I would not have stuck around in this group if it was all doom and gloom. Sure, there are people who at any one time need to let off steam or just be sad for a while. Me included. But there are plenty of opportunities for sharing a laugh or a funny story too. And as says, there are lots of threads about the normal stuff of life. 

    I do hope you’ll stick around. I’d like to get to know you better.