Thank you all

  • 13 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi?, it's with deep regret that we announce that Lara is now receiving end of life care. Lara took a turn for the worse on Friday morning, suddenly. Lara has asked us to post her thanks to the group, and she hopes she has been an inspiration to others.


Lara, Phil and Kat xx

  • Hello, 

    All my love, thoughts, and best wishes to you three at this time.

    I always looked forward to seeing Lara's posts and I know she raised a smile on lots of faces here. Her strength and humour were hard to miss, not to mention her stubbornness, in all she posted here!

    She is, and always will be, thought of and remembered fondly.

    Take care of each other. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Lara, Phil and Kat

    I'm so sorry to hear that, WB is a shining light in the community, she had humour the type that I have never seen and don't expect to see again. 

    It is a real pleasure to know her.


    Love life and family.
  • Dear Lara, Phil and Kat, 

    really was an inspiration. Please know her warmth, humour and honesty were refreshing and uplifting. I'll certainly miss her contribution to our community here very much. 

    Sending lots of love to you as you say your goodbyes and prepare for your hearbreak. What a precious woman she is. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Dear Lara,Phil and Kat never ever 

    Wee blonde was a ray of sunshine to this group. She got on with everything that was thrown at her and got of with it.

    She  will be missed terribly, and my heart goes out to her family who she loved dearly.

    Thought's are with you all at this sad time.

    Ellie x

  • Hi Phil, I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you to write that post but thank you! Lara, like myself is a stubborn Scot and will talk you into doing things her way I'm sure! Please let her know she has indeed been an inspiration here to many, giving advice, support, adding humour and whatever else was needed.

    My heart goes out to you all and I wish you strength for the difficult time to come! Sending my love to you all, especially Lara.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Dear Lara, Phil and Kat,

    Lara you were one of the first people I remember exchanging posts with when I joined Macmillan.  I have always looked forward to seeing your comments once I could work out what your abbreviations meant.  You have certainly been an inspiration to many on this group and your contributions will be remembered with love.

    I am pleased to have been one of the people who have tried to be there for you when you needed some encouraging words.  Your approach to your situation and your love for your family has shone through your posts.

    With lots of love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember

    Yes Lara you have indeed been an inspiration and thank you.

    I’ve enjoyed your company through your posts.  
    I’ve always been in awe of your strength and character during everything you were going through.

    Sending love to you and your family xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Phil, Kat and Lara

    Has WB been an inspiration? Hell yes. I don’t know that I would have weathered this storm half so well without her. I know if ever I’m tempted to join a pity party then WB will have a better invitation to somewhere more fun. 

    I am going to miss her but not half so much as you you guys, Phil and Kat. She often wrote about you, Phil, as OH, and your long suffering patience and unstinting support. As for you, Kat, we know you as DD, which I guessed stood for Darling Daughter but honestly with WB who knows? We always knew when you were due home from uni (hurray), actually home (double hurray) or due to go back (sigh). 

    It’s been a pleasure knowing her and I can only hope that when it’s my turn I’ll be as brave and funny and helpful to others as she’s been through these last few very difficult weeks. 

    As you can see from all the replies, WB is a much loved member of this community and we will all be thinking of all of you in the days to come. I know she’ll be surrounded by love and that’s all any of us can hope for. 

    With much love to you all 

  • Thinking of you all. What a brave, funny, beautiful person WB is.


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    WB has been an inspiration and support to all of us. We will miss her bravery and her humour, but we will never forget her. Thinking of you all.