The 8o'clock clap

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi all

Just in from applauding our great NHS staff, no one near me, no cars passing but my wife and I were there giving it our all

Tvman x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    How wonderful is that it is amazing how people can be in a crisis.Hope you are ok I’m trying to keep busy yesterday I did loads in the garden and forgot the time.Today I’m tired so taking it easy.My husband is going for a ride on his bicycle for exercise,I wish I could do that I loved going for a ride. Sill keep safe flippen. X

  • Hi there yes it was a moment I will keep forever I have been busy gardening too a huge passion of mine my spring bulbs are out and they really cheer me up its like they say hello to me i know I am daft ha ha but in these hard times you take whatever moment you can to cheer yourself up don't you my dog today did a funny thing he put his nose in a daffodil and must of inhaled in at the same time and of course it wrapped round his nose and then he barked and snorted at it I was in stitches it was so funny to see him do it keep safe hugs and love xxx

  • Hi (Flippen!) I don't think your being daft at all! It does my heart good when I see the spring bulbs come to life!   A Quick Story!!

    After I was diagnosed, I was told not to fly but my husband and I have always treasured our holidays, so after I was over the initial surgery which was difficult, I started looking to see where we Could go. We took the train to Newcastle, then the overnight ferry to Amsterdam where we had booked 3 nights in a central hotel. From home, I had booked to go to Keukenhauf Gardens to see the bulb fields. I even booked an electric buggy so we would see as much as possible. While there you could pre order bulbs for the following season. This was April, they were delivered to your door in Sept for planting Oct/Nov. I ordered some for us, my sisters and two of my friends, thinking if I wasn't around, these flowers would let them remember the great times we had together. This is the 4th year they have flowered and they are superb! Tulips (of course) daffodils, large crocus, anenamies, cornflower etc etc! I bought lots, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd still be here to watch them multiply. So yes Popgate, they DO talk to me, they say "never give up, miracles Do happen"!!  Now you tell me who's daft??? LOL!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Just one of hundreds of photos my photographer husband took at Keukenhauf Gardens. He was in his element, as you can imagine! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • We went last year - the scent was amazing!


    Flowerlady x
  • Yes, that's the only problem with photos, you can't smell them! I hope you bought bulbs there! They are not cheap but they are stunning!

    It was something we had always spoken about doing but never got around to booking it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh this is a lovely story gardening is a massive part of my life it always has been my dad was a massive gardener always had his music on and he used to make me laugh when he said the plants like to hear music they will grow faster and live longer for you do guess what that's what I do as well ha ha it makes me happy and we all need to be happy and find some sort of hope in these difficult times that we all are facing at the moment I myself constantly think when I plant a new plant will I see it next time come around and flower or will I be doing something in the garden again I always these days think like that but then I think just do it now and hope to see it flourish again just a heads up some information for you garden centres are closed because of the lockdown but my garden centre sent me an email to say they would still take my regular order online and deliver with extra precautions in place I have been registered with them for years as having no transport I have to have everything delivered so I consider myself very lucky to be able to have this service some of you are gardeners I know so if interested it's worth looking into lots of love and hugs xxx

  • Hi Well your dad was just like my mum, she had a beautiful rose garden and played music. I did this as well and used to take my radio into the garden and work for hours, sometimes my husband would come out and tell me it was dark and I hadn't really noticed, I was too engrossed in what I was doing! Unfortunately now I'm no longer mobile enough to do my garden, so took a whole corner of it away to use it for parking as it was upsetting to see it go downhill. However I still have a front garden and back garden to potter about in, I'd never take it all away, I love my flowers! Yes I too am a member of our local garden centre and they are great. I've recently had pansies delivered but it's freezing here, so they are being sheltered for a bit until the weather is warmer! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi popgate i was out in the garden Monday and didn’t realise how the time had flown by I forgot to put the tea in the oven

    so lucky to have one I can’t think how i would be without it,especially now we have all this time.

    Mind it’s good to have the sun to. X 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    A dear friend gave me a lovely Christmas present this year. It’s a huge pot layered with bulbs. When it arrived, it had purple winter flowering pansies. Then up came crocuses (croci?) and now there are miniature daffodils. It’s positioned just outside my patio window so I can see it from the sofa. It’s a gift that keeps on giving
