Nhs letter

  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers


Does anyone know what they mean by active chemo?  I presumed it was if you currently undergoing it but I have had all the text messages and now the letter and I moved to watchful waiting at the beginning of March (not sure if they knew things we didn't!!) To be reviewed at the end of april.

Based on this I presumed I wouldn't fall into the extremely vulnerable list as not currently on chemo (finished last cycle of tablets nearly 4 weeks ago) and bloods were all fine.  My BCN has gone back to the front line to work and I don't really want to bother them, but was just wondering 


  • Heya Daisy, 

    I guess maybe your last chemo was too recently for you to be fully out of the woods immune system wise? Or are you on any meds still that might drop you into one of their other categories maybe? 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Thanks for the reply Lass.

    No other meds except hormone tablets which isn't in the list.   I did wonder that about it being too soon after finishing but then it's not active treatment per the list!!  So confusing

  • Hi @Daisydoo38,

    Someone I know who finished chemo 4 months ago was suprised to get the text saying she was in the high risk group. The immune system takes a while to re-boot after treatment, so I assume they are being "better safe than sorry".