Extra Precautions

  • 2 replies
  • 41 subscribers

I have an appointment at my local clinic on Tuesday for my weekly PICC line dressing. I was contacted to tell me what to do when I arrived for my appointment.

I’ve to call when I arrive, wait in my car, when a treatment room is available someone will take me in via the back door straight to the room and I will exit via the back door again. I think it is reassuring they are taking extra special care of high risk patients.

I am due my next chemo (bloods permitting) on Friday so I hope to hear from oncology at some point next week what will happen with that.  

  • FormerMember

    That is good, I did the same when I went for my last appointment but it was my idea not theirs. 

  • FormerMember

    Hello sheensb thats a new for me but its a good idea.My hospital just working as normal but I am wearing mask and gloves so I dont touch anything,also not using lift but stairs.Although I dont know how this distancing will work when i will have chemo when you sit next each other