What a carry on.

  • 5 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Well what a frickin carry on. My ONC said to self isolate as much as possible. I have an appt tomorrow morning with the oral surgeon following a procedure I had to check and discharge me. I rang them and asked if there was somewhere else I could sit, rather than the crowded waiting room. I explained my condition and they said I should postpone the appt. Good advice, but I explained to her I needed to be discharged so that I could resume my Denosumab injections which I had had to stop having before and after surgery. I can’t get the injection until formally discharged from the unit. They said I would have to come in at my own risk but that they would try to find a room, which they could not guarantee, for me to sit or else I would have to stand in the corridor! You would think they would have had some sort of contingency plan in operation for people like us who need to be seen but also keep a safe distance from others. I was nearly in tears trying to explain to this young girl who answered the phone. Rant over.

  • We are all going to have these issues aren't we? I had holiday planned and no idea what to do. It's no quality of life to stay at home.foe the next four months. Strangely enough the blood taking.service at the hospital was very quiet today - the nurse thought that people were avoiding the doctor which suggests that quite a lot of people aren't actually sick and don't need the blood tests.

    Take care all x

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember


    That sounds a really difficult phone call. I can imagine the girl who took the call had answered many similar ones throughout the day and was feeling as frustrated as you. By definition, most of the people attending a hospital are vulnerable and there just isn’t room for individual waiting areas. Having said that, there are ways and ways of saying “we just don’t have the room” and a good way wouldn’t leave you feeling bad. Communication is such a highly skilled job yet it’s often left to the lowliest. 

    I do hope you can keep your worry under check tomorrow. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face. Etc etc. I’m off to hospital tomorrow - the start of cycle 4 of the clinical trial so health checks, bloods etc, see the doctor, wait for tablets and home. On the train and London Underground. Gulp. I’ll wear gloves, I think. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    Thank you. Hope all goes well for you tomorrow and me.

    Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Of course! I forgot that bit! I hope all goes well for you too xxxx

  • Hi and

    Hope all goes well for both of you

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.