Back to my Bed!

  • 12 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Friends, Roman's, Countrymen!

Turfed out of hosp finally y'day minus Dwayne the Drain (aka the chest drain) - took the usual many hours of communication between pharmacy & docs. So much so both hubbie & me ended up having dinner on the ward - romantic meal for 2...

Bn woken early by backache & the only thing I failed 2 take 2 bed last night was a supply of "sweeties" & water so eventually have given up & joined my 4 legged pals who r happy 2 c me downstairs. 

Dont think I'll b bouncing back from things this time. Wound now v sore & bleurghh. Hubbie is joining me 4 "talk" with BCN at the house this afternoon following a mini talk between her & me y'day. All pretty s*** 2 b honest.

Take care girls & boys

WB xx

  • Ohh Wee blonde                                                                                                                                                                                    I know we have never talked on this site but i do read your posts.I love your sense of humour and the way you deal with all your problems.So its sad to hear you are feeling s***.I can only send my love and best wishes                                                                                                                                                           Keep Calm Xx

  • FormerMember


    I'm sure we've all been waiting with baited breath to celebrate your being back in your own bed and at home with your hubbie & 4 legged pals, but this doesn't sound like the home coming anyone would wish for.

    I'm very sorry you're having such a s*** time I know my sense of humour would have deserted me by now. 

    Sending love and hugs xx

  • All of us here are thinking of you and sending our best wishes

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to John Boy2

    I’m so glad you are home xxxx not so glad to hear about the chat to come, I hope you and your husband are doing ok x

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear things are going a bit pear shaped Wee Blonde.  Sending you the best of wishes and hope for things to improve. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi WB

    Sometimes words just fail me. I kind of start poking at the tiny key pad on the phone with one finger (how do teenagers manage with both thumbs? I’ve tried but had to go back and correct everything. I digress) and hope inspiration will come. 

    Nope. Still failing me. I’m glad you’re home. Thank goodness for the company of dogs. I’m sorry to hear that it’s time for The Chat. 

    Much love my darling


  • Hi 

    Hope the chat with BCN went well earlier. Isn't it wonderful how our 4 legged friends love us. Reminds me of the chat I had with my mate when we agreed that if we locked our wives (not together, mind) and our dogs in the boot of our cars and came back an hour later, which would be the happier to see us, wife or dog lol.

    Just gotta put your husband on a pedestal, there you were, Dwayne close to your bosom for so many days and yet he puts that behind him and is still willing to share a romantic meal with you. What a legend, give him my regards please

    Just hope that made you smile young lady Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Dearest wee blonde ,    I have just returned from hospital ,suspected bllod clot in lungs ,not found ,more tests to follow no doubt ,anyway i digress ,i looked to see if you were home ,thank goodness you are ,but not the way we all wanted for you ,

    i have never met you but can only begin to understand the s—-t time you and the family are having

    wishing you a more positive time to come 



  • FormerMember

    Sorry to here this WB I have been out of the loop for a while as I am getting so tired and cannot shake this latest illness. I expected things to be pretty grim when I saw my oncologist last week but he was just more concerned that after 2 weeks in hospital and still being ill the staff have not followed through on any treatment (mainly because no staff armed to be able to site cannulas or take bloods as I bed hopped from ward to ward) also although scans and test were done no one has compared them to earlier scans and even scanned the wrong areas. So it was more bloods and new scans booked but no talk about time being short which we had been lead to expect. He however agreed that although my symptoms would say admit to hospital I was probably better off at home.

    I see him again next week so let's see what that holds although I have not had any scan date yet. I am hoping they could just send the ones I had done to be reread as getting a cannula big enough for scan contrast is nigh impossible unless the person is good at it. Once they know it is only foot some of them just freeze.

    My thoughts are with you and your family. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Janet you have my sympathies I too had the suspected blood clot in the lung or brain. Nothing showed but I am still really struggling and just cannot kick start myself back into action. 

    I hope you feel better soon.