Bloody corona virus. Two views.

  • 9 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I know I am surrounded by people who really have got something to worry about but can I slip in a small moan? After finally getting insured and booking a cruise, that nuisance virus looks like it is going to kybosh the deal. At least we are insured and will get our money back. 

Now for the good news but also down to the virus. As the price of gold rockets, my prostate which has had three gold beads fired into it prior to a bit of radiotherapy will have gone up in value. Originally worth £126, it has got to be close to £200? How to get it out and realise the value. It is a useless organ now, anyone handy with a scalpel? Bit flippant I know, please forgive!

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry to hear about your cruise, how frustrating and disappointing for you...

    Hope you manage to book something else, it's important to have things to look forward to.

    As for the good news that is definitely a cup half full response and made me laugh Rofl I'm guessing not quite as common as gold fillings, had no idea that was a thing! 


  • Oh Norberry, I understand your disappointment. We were thinking of going on a river cruise in June and don't know what to do. I hope you can make alternative plans? A break here isn't the same but at least it's a break.


    Flowerlady x
  • Hi @norberry, shame about the cruise, but good you will get the money back. In regards to your gold content - maybe you should change your user name to goldfinger: for the sake of propriety as the actual name might break the admin code.

  • I love this forum, however terrible peoples troubles, there is always entertainment value! I have just been brought back from the pub so grammar maybe compromised! Best wishes and prayers to everyone who is facing a worrying weekend.

  • Thanks flowerlady, things may become more clear by June, the holiday companies should be able to guide you as to their views. We are booking a holiday in the good old UK if it all, goes pear shaped,  just got to invest in inclement weather gear!

  • Hi

    You have just been brought back? What time did you get there? 11.30? Slight smile

    Enjoy the rest of your day. It's lovely and sunny here today.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Two pubs, much beer and no feeling sorry for myself as the hours progressed . More of the same planned . Everyone on here should be entitled to a bit of irresponsible behaviour!

    Hope your weekend can be worry free. Thank you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    I am prizing the gold crowns off my teeth as I type...

    I am also enjoying the view up here on the moral high ground. Clip clop, clip clop. Let me explain. My thrice yearly delivery of 48 loo rolls from Who Gives a Crap arrived last week. Recycled toilet paper, no plastic wrapping, half of the profits go to building toilets in developing countries. As if that wasn’t already ticking enough boxes, I can now tsk at the people panic buying toilet paper. 

    I’m so sorry your cruise looks set to be cancelled. I’ve got my own corona casualty here. The Eve Appeal, a gynae cancer charity that I support, had organised an evening of theatre next week and a piece I’d written was due to feature, performed by someone famous. It has been called off. The right decision, I’m sure, but it’s disappointing. Ho hum. 

    Glad to see you’re misbehaving. Hope you’re tucked up and snoring now. 


  • Dalini, you made me snort with amusement as I read and considered the loo roll saga!

    I am sorry that the charity and its supporters are going to miss out but when this sniffing business has run its course I hope that the evening will take place and be a huge success.

    I am looking forward to almost criminally misbehaving from now on. I blame all the wonderful people on here who have squashed all my daily worries and set me free to enjoy each day. I hope other people can find the same solace.

    Blimey, I only meant to comment on the karsi set up!