Thank you

  • 4 replies
  • 41 subscribers

I have only been involved with this forum for a couple of weeks. It has  changed my outlook and indeed my life. This is down to the contributors who check on the forum for waifes and strays in need of cheering up. Everyone I have come across is full of great advice and this is often dispensed with an entertaining bent. I have reduced my happy pill intake and I hope I am becoming less of a difficult husband to my lovely wife. She has her own troubles with MS which I pushed to one side whilst I indulged in plenty of self pity. This place has proved far cheaper and far more effective for me than my attempts with counselling!

I am sure everyone who comes on here will be equally as grateful as me to realise how many people care more for other peoples problems than their own. Thank you.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Norberry

    A lovely thread, w are all here for the same reason.

    We know that every one here understands what we are going threw, how we fill, our fears/

    We all support each other and i am so pleased you  have gained something from the group, i think we all do,  we hold each other up when needed.

    Take Care Ellie x

    "You Never Walk A Lone"

  • FormerMember


    It's so good to hear that the support from this forum is helping you. Remember, you're not a difficult husband, you're a good husband having a difficult time!

    I agree, when someone reaches out in the midst of their own struggles it is a game changer.

    This amazing group of people rallied around me when I was on my knees although many were facing bigger challenges.

    As says, someone may be drowning in 30 feet of water another in 60 feet of water....there's no judgement or competition here, just kindness and compassion.

    I'm eternally grateful too. xx

  • FormerMember

    Norberry I love your post, when I first got diagnosed Macmillan online were the 1st people I contacted and could not express just how much of support I find the people on here. Every single one of us were newbies at one time and typed with trepidation. It's like a secret wee family /club that only us members understand. I remain eternally grateful to my new found friends on here. We are all here for all manner of cancers but we 'get it', the ups, downs, fears worries, stresses and hopefully you will see a lot of fun and giggles too. I love Macmillan and all that participate. Thinking of you. Xx

  • FormerMember


    What a great thing to read. Thank you for sharing how you feel. Knowing that you’ve made a difference is one of the rewards of reaching out to someone who is struggling. Warm glows all round it is, then. 

    I agree with  about you’re being a good husband having a hard time. It sounds as though you and your wife have a great deal to cope with. I just listened to a brilliant audiobook about living with MS, The Unmapped Mind by Christian Donlan. It’s beautifully written and explores some themes that resonated with me about how to live with a progressive condition.  

    I hope your new found feelings stay around. We all have good and bad patches and I find this community helps me through the bad and make the most of the good 
