A very very nice event

  • 10 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi friends

Yesterday my eldest son got married in Bolivia. I mentioned it 4 or 5 weeks ago, explaining that I was so sad because my Haematologist advised me not to go outside Europe any time, saying if my blood cancer took a turn for the worse, I would die. She repeated that a couple of times to emphasise her statement. 

My son also said that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if anything happened to me as I'd need to get 3 flights and the minimum time for the journey is 51 hours! I don't think I would have been allowed to go by my family!

I'm waiting for photos of the happy couple but as yet we have been sent a video of the two making a short speech each. When (If) I receive some more pics, I'll post some.

Tvman xx

  • FormerMember


    given what’s going on with this new virus, not going to Bolivia is probably the best decision you’ve ever made, 3 airplane flights ! ! We are so lucky to have Social media and FaceTime etc to keep in touch with family and friends unlike back in the day when we had to rely on airmail letters and very very expensive phone calls, oops showing my age there L.O.L

    i hope you have had a improvement with your problems with neutropenia, I know this has been a unsettling time for you, but your doctor is giving you good advice and I feel sure things will stabilise. 

  • Yes like Johnty said, good you did not go. And i can hear your excitement from your words, now im excited to and can't wait for some pictures!!!!!!

  • Hi

    Thank you for your wise words regarding going to the wedding, you're right, going to Bolivia would not have been a good idea, given what's happening right now. I would have had to purchase the flights a few months ago and to be frank, I wouldn't have been able to travel with what I'm going through right now. All I can do is look forward to Fabi's parents and sisters coming to Northern Ireland in the summer when we can have a bit of a shindig.

    Johnty, I read your post about letting your cancer take it's course and I am embarrassed that I haven't replied yet and that was due to being harrassed in the nicest way possible by my 3½ year old grandson and when I returned home which was last Sunday night, I've been in bed ill ever since. My body doesn't seem to be able to fight these infections effectively.

    Although it saddens me that for you, things have come so far that you have taken your decision which of course I respect. You have a fantastic husband who is behind you and is in agreement with your decision which you would have expected because the two of you are a closely knit unit.

    I'll be in touch again Johnty

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    I almost posted yesterday to ask you how the wedding went, then I realised I have no idea of the time difference between here and there. I suspect I would have been asking you to predict the future!

    Please do post pics when you get them.

  • Hi friends

    Well, I have a few photos, not many, the Bolivians don't seem to go in for that the way we do. There's no official photographer either.

    The official side of the wedding hasn't been done either, due to unforeseen slow bureaucracy and a matter of 4 fiesta days which are "bank holidays"!

    There's one photo of the rings on their fingers, Fabi (Christopher's wife) works in renewable energy which is probably why they are mostly wooden. She'll be impressed with the small wood I planted (1600 willow trees)Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Below is Christopher cutting the cake, doesn't seem to be an event in Bolivia, no Fabi

    Below are Christopher, Fabi, my other son Gareth who I thought was going to take loads of photos! and Fabi's two sisters.

    Fabi's mum and dad in the foreground, there isn't another one, yet!

    The family maid in traditional dress with her young son.

    My two big fellas

    The happy couple a couple of days before the wedding aaaaaww Slight smile

    Love life and family.
  • Looks like a lovely day. You will have been missed but your health comes first and you will have a good old party to look forward to when they come to you. I think your new daughter in law will be well impressed with your tree planting.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    I am quite teary looking at those photos and hearing the obvious pride in your voice. You are going to have such a great party come the summer. 

    Lots of love 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Such lovely photos, I can see why you are so proud of your family! Wishing the happy couple all the best xxxx (and sorry you did not make it but what a long way x)

  • FormerMember

    Hi tv man

    what lovely photos you have shared congratulations to your son and his new wife

    Hope you are feeling better  

          Take care

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi TV Man, How are you? I have been out of the loop hibernating for a while and what a lovely surprise to come back to pictures of lovely happy smiling people and not a mention of illness! The couple look so happy and I can imagine the great celebration there will be when they meet with you in the summer. Fabi will certainly be impressed with the wood!  You were right not too travel, far to risky for anyone just now. So I hope you can relax and be as well as you can be while your family and some leprechauns prepare for the party of the year. I am looking forward to hearing about it.

    Love and hugs

    Pat (shortfriend)xxx