Daily feelings part 2

  • 7 replies
  • 41 subscribers

I posted a couple of days ago saying I was miserable and worrying every day and kind people were empathetic to me and I was very grateful.

I got my PSA results today, 0.01, absolutely great, so how have I got the good fairy on my left shoulder saying celebrate and the devil on my right shoulder saying, you out to start worrying about the next results in 3 months! I cant be helped!!!

  • FormerMember

    Fantastic news about your scan results - today is definitely for positives.  Thank you also for the positive re insurance for cruises in your profile - I managed to  do my first cruise last year two days after finding out I was incurable.   Depending on my result of my scan next month I would like to think that I can book another as I loved it so much.

    Debs xx

  • Thank you Debs, I hope so much that your scan results are good. It is a right treat bobbing about on the waves enjoying a bit of luxury leaving your worries behind you.

    Everything crossed for you and hope to wave at you on your ship!


  • FormerMember


    That is great to hear!

    I remember when I first joined this community someone said she found good news in some ways harder to deal with after having had so much bad news, and it struck a chord. I didn't know at that time that you could have an incurable or terminal diagnosis and be stable....2 years on and I've learned to enjoy the moment and be grateful for any reprieve. 

    Long may it last, I hope the good fairy won Wink


  • Thank you Tinalay, the good news after bad news situation is exactly how I feel. If you are a glass half empty person you lay yourself open to disappointment the next time your results are due. I should be happy as my cancer is controlled at the moment. I never expected to find this forum so useful, full of nice people and information, I genuinely feel more relaxed about my circumstances. X

  • FormerMember


    First off, fab news about your PSA. My grasp on the finer details of the numbers is flimsy but if you say it’s fab, then it’s fab by me too. Hurray! 

    As for that little devil on your right shoulder, I’d be tempted to give him a pat on the back, tell him better luck next time (but with my fingers crossed behind my back) and give him a toothpick to keep him occupied for a while. Then turn to that good fairy, hold her hand and skip off together singing tra-la la-la-la. But then I am given to flights of whimsy 


  • Morning Daloni, I am starting to feel like an imposter on this forum. Although I pass the criteria test to be a member I am amazed that so many people with plenty of big troubles can spend so much time sympathising with others. I could cry with gratitude. I cry quite easily these days as my medication has given me the menopause! You want to see me when I'm watching the Supervet! Thanks again for your suggestions which I am going to have a try. Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    I think lots of people here feel like imposters. I’d say it’s not a competition. It might be that I’m drowning in 60 foot of water and you’re drowning in 30 foot but we are both still drowning. As it were. Also it might help to think about how to respond to our own suffering. One of the ways through it is to remember that everyone is suffering and therefore to reach out to the world with compassion and kindness. That might be here in this community or just on the bus to the grumpy lady who’s just been rude. She’s probably in a bad space in her head and a simple act of kindness and compassion in response can change things. 

    I am the same on crying these days too Joy
