Daily feelings.

  • 7 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello everyone. I have prostate cancer, gleason 8, 4+4. I was told initially that I would have two good years. It will be three in May this year but instead of being grateful, I worry every day and am quite miserable with it. I am driving my wife mad, does anyone else feel like that?

On a different note the hot flushes brought on by zoladex were really quite something, two towels needed when going out. I was prescribed Provera by my GP, stopped them dead. This may be useful to other sufferers.  Isn't it nice to moan?!! 

  • Hello Norberry

    I think it's normal! I was on a real downer this morning, but have picked up a bit. I am waiting for my scan. No one can be positive all the time, and it's understandable that you feel worried. I hope being on the forum helps


    Flowerlady x
  • Thank you Flowerlady for your kind words. Nice to share with someone who has their own troubles but understands other peoples as well. Good luck with your scan. X

  • Could not have scan as veins disappeared. Back on Friday. Bleurgh.


    Flowerlady x
  • Hopefully by then your veins will be ok and it's the rain that has disappeared. Extra luck for Friday. X

  • My veins always disappear at scan time. I now get my cannula put in at the chemotherapy day unit before I go to scanning department as they have expertise in dodgy veins. If you dont already do this it might be worth asking if you can. It adds a bit of time onto the process but I no longer have to go through multiple attempts or even scan without contrast. Good luck for Friday

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Elliekate


    It's hard for family and friends to appreciate that we're never really off the hook, your wife must be so relieved that you're still with us.

    It's understandable that your worries get you down at times, but if you're struggling more than usual it might be worth talking to your GP or a councillor to see if they could help. A lot of us seem to be struggling at the moment, roll on Spring!

    I read your profile and see you have booked a cruise in April. It's so important to have things to look forward to and I hope it'll give you and your wife the break you both need. I don't think your post qualifies as a moan, but this is the place if you do feel like one.

     I go to the Magnolia Centre and have a cannula put in before scans now too, the radiographers are always very grateful. I just give them a call the day before. Good luck on Friday.


  • Thank you for taking time to reply, I do feel a bit more settled after sharing with nice people on the forum. Hopefully the Corona virus wont see the cruise kyboshed!