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  • 42 subscribers

Well apparently what I feel has a name....scanology..I’ve googled it!  I’ve been really reluctant to post I’m one of the lucky ones really on this site, but I’m struggling so hard!  I’m ok until it’s the 3 monthly scan and results time.....I know I should be grateful that I’m stable atm, but I know melanoma is the most aggressive form of cancer and it’s simply a matter of time.....I’ve been very lucky in that although my treatment was stopped due to adverse reactions I’ve had a couple of years stable. Mines not shrunk, but neither has it changed too much, although I had a wide area incision on Christmas Eve.....since that I’ve had an MRI and PET scan.....waiting on the results, it’s been 3 I’m sorry to moen but here it is..........I feel like I’m waiting for a car crash to happen......I know it’s coming, but just waiting for the impact. Am I the only person that feels like this?  Every scan result I get that is OK....I feel deflated, I just feel well that’s another 3 month sentence till the next one..I know I should feel happier and I know you are all so much braver, but if I hear one family member say that is great news I’ll explode!  Tell me how do you all cope with this. I know I’m a bit depressed but when I talked to my GP he told me to think myself lucky and if I’d been diagnosed 2-3 years ago I’d be lucky to have 6 months. He referred me to the End of life team at my local hospice......not really ready for that, just want some assistance with coping and depression and how the hell I deal with this.....any thoughts or experience would be welcome xx

  • No, your not the only one!!! I do that since nearly 5 years now. Every time scan comes up, i get all the pains and aches, mostly in my head ( had a brain tumor/mets) .. so far so good.

    Family and or friends cannot feel with us, it's hard if it is not yourself. It's in our head. And, its normal i think. See we are incurable, and we all know, the day will come...could be tomorrow could be in 20 years, nobody knows.

    They all say, try to think of something else, or do does not work for me. So , we just have to life with it.

    Hope you get your answers soon, and please good ones.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie

     I know what you mean. I get a scan every three months. I have bone and liver cancer. My last two scans where not good and when  I heard that it had spread to my liver, I went shopping. Why, goodness knows. I didnt cry just thought, well what can I do, I must just get on with it. Then a couple of weeks ago I had another scan and a couple of days later my Consultant rang me as I was parking my car. She told me the had very good news. When we finished speaking I punched the air and starting crying.  I think all the pent up emotion suddenly came out. Goodness knows what anyone walking past me thought. I find fir myself, writing a poem of how I feel helps,  but I have always written. Its had when realivtes says it giid need on your scan, only we going through it can understand how you feel. None of us know how long we have but I made the decision that I wasnt going to live what time I have in a permanent depression. I think I surprised myself and a lot of other people. All I can say is get up each day, do something nice for yourself and just love each day as it comes and like all of us be grateful for today and let tomorrow take care of itself.

    Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thankyou Pet1968 and Ellieellie, for your kind words of support....picking myself up and giving myself a good talking to, so going out for some me time with the family today.....onwards and upwards xxx

  • I like the word scanxiety more than scanology. Lol.

    Just a random bit of info to hopefully raise a smile. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember

    I know exactly how that feels. It's 2 years since my incurable diagnosis, I had gamma knife surgery to inoperable brain and skull tumours. When the 1st scan showed a good response the celebrations were lost on me as by that time further scans showed widespread metastasis throughout my ribs, spine, pelvis and leg. It didn't feel like a relief, more like a stay of execution.

    Since then I've had both good and bad results, but the bad results always came with a plan, so although I'm now on palliative treatment with a terminal diagnosis like many other members I'm doing better than expected and have found a way to live with cancer. 

    It takes time and you can't skip the stages of grief, you have to be your own best friend.


  • FormerMember


    It is a horrible thing to face not just the scan but also the related anxiety. The advice for coping is always the same and it always feels inadequate - until it works.

    I have been living with incurable cancer for nearly four years and in continuous treatment since November 2016 and I’ve had a lot of scans. I used to go through a lot of anxiety each time but these days I don’t focus on them. The cancer is not changed by them. The way I feel is not changed by them. Why let a CT scan ruin what would otherwise be a nice day? 

    I have got here by working through the grief that comes with an incurable cancer diagnosis. I’ve found that meditation helps my overall anxiety and notice quite quickly how it can ratchet up if I don’t practice it for a few days. 

    I think has hit the nail on the head. There are no short cuts and you do have to be your own best friend. 
