Stable Mable

  • 7 replies
  • 43 subscribers


Although I have an ONC appointment tomorrow, last week I had to have my monthly bone juice injections and pick up my oral chemo.  As my partner and I were going away for a few days (Straight form the hospital), I bit the bullet and asked if my CT results were in.  I was told by BCN that thing look stable mable.

I am still of course going to my ONC appointment tomorrow morning and hope to hear the same thing from both my bone and CT scan.  It is odd though, yet again no mention of the breast tumour from CT scan.  This happened at last scan and my ONC said she would specifically request a report on the breast tumour.  So I left the hospital last week in a relatively good frame of mind.  Although the nurse that performed the bone juice has left me with a rather large bruise in the crook of my arm 6" x 3". Bragging rights I feel for the bruise I was even going to name it.

I seem to recall you have a tunnel appointment tomorrow so best of luck.

For those of you that recall, I am hoping to hear if a Judge has given the rubber stamp on divorce tomorrow or I go back to the back of the queue. If approved it should be 6/7 week until finalised.

anyway I hope everyone in this lovely group is well. I am just playing catch up have been in windy Yarmouth for a few days.

  • FormerMember


    Wow! What fab news on your scan(s?)! That’s amazing. Long may it last. And fingers crossed the judge signs off on your divorce. Then you can finally get those pyjamas you’ve been dreaming of. I must say, Yarmouth was probs the right side of the country for weathering storm Dennis. 

    Thanks for remembering my tunnel appointment (that made me laugh). You’re right, it’s tomorrow. How do you do it? I have trouble remembering my own appointments let alone anyone else’s. I probably won’t get the results for a fortnight. I go to the hospital every two weeks at present and I’m not keen to add in another appointment. I’d rather wait. My blood results after cycle one were so good that I’m optimistic I too will be a Stable Mable. If so, I can wait to find out. If not, I’ll happily carry on in ignorance as long as I am allowed 


  • Afternoon Daloni,

    Hope ur scan went well today and that Stable Mabel is still doing the rounds- when do you get the feedback?

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to John Boy2


    Thank you for thinking of me! Frankly the day has descended into a farce. I had to swing by the trials unit for blood samples and a cannula first thing. They got the bloods but gave up after five attempts to get a cannula in. That made me an hour late for the CT. Luckily they were very accommodating and got the line in first time. Back to the trials unit where they told me that the blood samples had haemolysed (no, me neither) and had to be redone. Did I still have a cannula? Um, no. You said I didn’t need one. They had to redo the ECG having taken the dots off and then the pharmacist dropped in to say the trial sponsor hadn’t delivered the drugs and they only have one week’s worth instead of two. Can I stop by next week to pick the rest up? My oncologist had forgotten to prescribe the anti sickness meds so I’ll need to pick them up later - that involves going from the trials unit to the cancer centre and joining the usual 40 minute queue. 

    To cap it all, I’m stuck in a clinic room on a hard chair all by myself rather than in a nice reclining chair on the day unit watching all the comings and goings. I had a cold in January and the safety protocols here demand clear nose and throat swabs from two consecutive visits before I’m allowed back in company. I have to put on a face mask to make a cup of tea or visit the toilet. 

    It’s 3.30 now. I’ve been here since 9am. My arse aches and I’m fed up. None of it is anyone’s fault in particular and I am maintaining good manners and outward cheeriness but it’s wearing thin. Think I’m going to raid the biscuit tin in the tea room now cheer myself up. 

    The docs will discuss the CT scan at the team meeting tomorrow and either they’ll call me with the results or I’ll just wait until the next safety check in a fortnight. I’m not in a particular hurry to find out. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh that doesn't sound at all like your lovely trials unit. You usually have such good things to say about them. Six hours in a garden chair  -  your poor arse! Couldn't they at least find something more comfortable?

    Raiding the biscuit tin was definitely in order. I hope you found some of your favourites in there.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I'm sorry to hear you had such a long and tiring day, which has left you quite close to the end of your tether, I had a similarly chaotic week myself so you are not alone. Arrive at first hospital at 10am for ct scan in preparation for some radiotherapy on my neck, thats another story,  they find something unexpected and want to do a mri, it takes so long to arrange I have to stay in hospital overnight, going through a and e to be admitted onto ward in the evening. Next morning get mri, suspicions confirmed of potential paralysis so told to lie flat. Spend all day in bed, finally get appointment at hospital 40 minutes away, told I can now get up and be driven by husband in car ! ! !
    get there about 5pm, wait till 8.30 pm get radiotherapy and get home about 10.30. Frankly it was only the kindness of all the staff involved who were frankly embarrassed by the whole thing that got me through it. It’s hard to be cross when you know it’s a system that is so disorganised it couldn’t organise a proverbial in a brewery !! I hope you’ve recovered and you get the results your hoping for, maybe next time you go you should take a comfy cushion as a safety measure against the perils of those hard nhs plastic chairs. We have Parker knowles chairs at heomotology, luxury.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    That sounds like an exhausting and somewhat frightening day. Can you have a rest today? I’m looking at the sunshine outside and thinking mmmm it’s warm in here and tempting to stay on the sofa but the dog needs a walk and I know it will be good once I’m in the open air 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    i think I’ve built up a level of resilience to these things that a normal person wouldn’t have. I’ve just about recovered now as this happened last Thursday and Friday. I’ve read similar tales from fellow incurables so don’t feel singled out, I just find it very very boring !
    the good news is my back pain is much better and hopefully I’ll be able to wean my self off the morphine soon and get my brain back in gear. I often think of Annjac and her troubles and think myself lucky in comparison. I haven’t seen a post from her in about 3 weeks In the breast cancer group I hope she is ok.