Low again

  • 8 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi feeling low again as 5th day of chemo no taste feeling crao  and tired weather not helping hopefully feel better tomorrow!


  • Hi Lesley!

    I'm sorry you're feeling so low. Yes sometimes we are just sick of all that treatment and feeling like shit.And still we have to go ahead.

    But there are better days to come and you will hopefully smile and feel better again.

    Sending you a big hug!!! Pet

  • Hi 

    I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling so miserable and as you say, the weather doesn't help either. Tomorrow will hopefully bring brighter, sunnier weather which will hopefully help to lift your spirits and help to replace your depressive feeling. Might even help that chemo taste.

    Here's hoping you feel better, Lesley

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember


    Oh sorry, my love. Chemo is so hard, not just on the body but also the spirit. You are quite right to hope tomorrow will be better. It quite often is with chemo. 

    Talking of the weather not helping, we had bitter winds but sunshine in Kent yesterday. I managed to get out to walk the dog but had to pick somewhere open, away from the woods where the risk of falling trees and branches make walking there too dangerous right now. It wasn’t too bad while we were walking downhill with the wind behind us but gosh, going the other way was a struggle. It made the cup of tea on returning home all the more enjoyable, mind you. 

    Onwards and upwards, dear Lesley 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Just to say was in hospital last week as had really sore tummy and sore shoulder Had exrays  done on  shoulder shows they say it's a dead shoulder so on painkillers for that and other stuff for tummy and the chemo is working. .Just getting on now but it's not nice weather so wee dog just goes on the garden for now.

    Just going to get up now have a shower and get dressed then breckie  take care

    Love Lesley xxx thanks for reading 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Oh no! I hope the painkillers are working. 

    The weather is just unbelievable, isn’t it? My poor Noodle had her spay last week so we have to keep her on a lead for a few days so I guess it’s as good a time as any for this endless rain as any. She keeps refusing to go out at all! 


  • Hi 

    You were quiet for a while there which usually means you're poorly, if you were, I hope you're feeling better now Slight smile

    Regarding the heavy rain, that's usually when our dogs want to go for a walk. It's so hard to get through to them that we don't think it's a good idea, but they are relentless!

    We arrived in Peterborough last night and although it wasn't raining, there was a cold, cold gusty wind blowing hard. It was freezing! My daughter picked us up and at 6.30.this morning in bounced a lively 3½ year old carrying an armful of soft toy carrots that his mum bought in Aldi. We don't have any Aldi stores in Northern Ireland. It seems to be a marketing success, so much so that she said people were queuing out the door to buy them. Anyway he brought 5 in to me. Then he asked me about his willow trees he planted which was in January when they were over. He wanted to know if they were growing! 

    My son at home is heading for London today to meet my other older son and they're both travelling together in preparation for the elder one's wedding on 29th February in Bolivia. I'm happy and unhappy at the same time. I can't go because of my cancer as my Haematologist says no! He is getting married to a lovely, bubbly, happy excited Bolivian girl. I hope to see a fair bit of the ceremony live which will help to ease the unhappy part of things. 

    I should really have put the last paragraph as a stand alone post for everyone to read so that is FOR EVERYONE. I will of course keep everyone posted on how things are going with the wedding.

    Take care Daloni and be happy and as healthy as possible.

    Tvman xx

    PS, Conan is staying at home and his Uncle Peter will be calling to see, walk, and feed him twice a day for a week.

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    Yes have had a few days in hospital as been taking painkillers for the pain in shoulder but had a bunked sore feeling I tummy. Feel a lot better now so not taking a lot as not in pain that I can't bear it.  

    Oh the weather is horrible my wee dog does not go out much except to the garden he like me does not like the rain and wind.

    Oh so sorry you are not able to go to son's wedding but technology is great so hope you will be able see it on the screen.

    Take care all my next chemo is in about 2 weeks time 

    Lesley xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    You made it to Peterborough! Glory hallelujah! I’m so pleased to hear that. Enjoy every second of your stay. How sad not to get to your son’s wedding but isn’t new technology amazing? I remember face timing my ex husband’s grandma in Belgrade. This was a woman born in 1928 in the former Yugoslavia and who lived through WW2, the rise of communism, the fall of the iron curtain and had never learned to write. She looked in wonder at the computer screen and the faces of her grandson and great granddaughters speaking from the other side of Europe. 

    You’re right. I’ve been quiet recently. I’ve been pretty well physically but very busy and struggling rather with anxiety. I have had some very difficult family stuff going on and it’s taken a lot of my emotional energy. I know you guys would offer your support but it’s not something I’ve been able to share. Enough said. 
