Not impressed!

  • 24 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Just tried to make an appointment with my GP, to be told the f*cker has left!

SURELY he shouldn't have left before making sure he'd found a replacement, and done a handover of his more medically complicated patients?

Instead, he's just off. No replacement, no handover, just locums. And I've never yet had a good experience with a locum. They either haven't a clue about my cancers and the tests needed, or they treat me like an idiot who doesn't have a clue, or they've not had a chance to read my hundreds of pages of notes - so I spend the entire appointment explaining my past to them so they've no time to do anything for me, or a combination of them all and more on top.

SO not impressed at the moment, and not entirely sure what to do about my ongoing care and monitoring. I know enough about my two cancers to know what needs done there, and to make sure they are managed. But all the other things we're watching and monitoring, I don't.

So, just, bleh and FFS! 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass


    I have just two words. George and Orwell. 

  • Hey

    I'm afraid you're going to need to explain that one to me. The only thing I'm aware of is the whole, big brother is watching you thing. Never actually read any of his books.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass


    Just that it’s dystopian enough an experience for George Orwell to have invented this scenario. In 1984, the official language of the big brother state is newspeak where saying one thing meant the opposite 


  • HI my young friend ,

    Sorry it's taken so long to respond but I was having a nap then had to drag my aching bones across to the computer.  The aging thing is no joke I'm telling you.

    I do believe that there is a government department tasked with reducing unemployment by creating pointless jobs.  I'm not sure which government introduced it but they all seem to believe it is a really useful idea as none of them have taken the decision to get rid of it.

    My most recent experience of it was having received a letter from Hull hospital saying that my appointments were being moved there effective immediately, I have subsequently received an identical copy of this letter from Scarborough hospital a few days later.  I know that at my age my memory can start to slip a bit but I still feel that giving me the information in writing twice is a bit much.

    I hope all the benefits / discounts things get sorted soon,

    Your old friend Gragon xx