Not impressed!

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  • 42 subscribers

Just tried to make an appointment with my GP, to be told the f*cker has left!

SURELY he shouldn't have left before making sure he'd found a replacement, and done a handover of his more medically complicated patients?

Instead, he's just off. No replacement, no handover, just locums. And I've never yet had a good experience with a locum. They either haven't a clue about my cancers and the tests needed, or they treat me like an idiot who doesn't have a clue, or they've not had a chance to read my hundreds of pages of notes - so I spend the entire appointment explaining my past to them so they've no time to do anything for me, or a combination of them all and more on top.

SO not impressed at the moment, and not entirely sure what to do about my ongoing care and monitoring. I know enough about my two cancers to know what needs done there, and to make sure they are managed. But all the other things we're watching and monitoring, I don't.

So, just, bleh and FFS! 



  • FormerMember

    Boo! Poor you . It can take ages to train a new GP - when there’s one to train. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I hope you made the appointment anyway, . Miracles do happen. You could find a locum who has had cancer patients before. 

    If not, refuse to budge until she gives you the answers you need. It's not your fault if she is short of time.  If she gets stroppy, just repeat "But it's all there in the notes. This has my regular surgery and you knew I was coming. This is the time I was told, and I made sure I was brought early so as not to keep you waiting. So I don't see why you're saying you weren't expecting  me, or why yiurevsaying you haven't time to keep the appointment.".

    When all else has failed, I often find that bewildered stupidity wears them down. Last resort might have to be years. With wailing. Maybe some biblical rending of garments?

    Gokd luck. I hope the performance won't be necessary,  but it won't do any harm to rehearse.


  • Yeh, 13th of February I'm seeing an ANP that used to work there. She believed me when I said things, talked to me as if I were human, and one with a brain at that. 

    So we'll see what happens after that. Fingers crossed. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    That definitely sounds hopeful for the appointment. But not until, 13th February? Unbelievable.

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Lass, 

    My life was saved by a locum believe it or not. It was random GPs t(not my personal one) that wrongly diagnosed me. What was worse I was let down by female GPs! I have ovarian cancer. Come on ladies....IBS really!?!?!!

    I will always remember that locums name, they way she held my hand and sent me directly to the hospital for assessment. 

    I'll probably never see her to say thank you for the 18 months I've survived so far

    Oh gush Joy

    Lovely sweary words btw JoyJoyJoyJoyJoyJoy 

    Fishy mcfishface Fishxxx

  • And the good news continues. 

    Just got a letter saying that I need to be assessed for PIP. Apparently the form I filled out, the information from my GP they were sent, and the information from my oncologist isn't enough. So now I need to have some stranger in my house, asking me all sorts of personal and intimate questions. 

    The leaflet says they will treat me with compassion and respect. I call BS. If they had compassion and respect, they wouldn't be putting me through an assessment because they didn't believe me or my doctors. 

    So now I'm going to be a stress head for the next 2 weeks and a day while I wait for some uppity twat to come along and judge me for themselves.

    I hate this goddamn system that says you're a liar until proven otherwise. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass


    Oh for heavens sake! The indignity never stops. The assessors I have had from the PIP people have actually been very nice - both nurses. The thing is to answer the questions while thinking about your worst days - not your best. 

    I hope you can find a way not to stress too much. It’s not helpful to you. Although, two weeks of sleeping badly for the worry might help you look proper poorly (sorry that’s in bad taste. I’d just like to help you smile) 

    I am really sorry you have to go through this 

    love and hugs xxx

  • To be honest, I'd thought the same about the 2 weeks of stress helping me to look like crap. So you're all good and not in poor taste at all!

    The lady who came to assess me last time was nice, but still, trying to explain your toileting and showering issues to a complete stranger isn't dignified. 

    However, they also deducted £30 a week from me, because during the assessment I smiled and answered all her questions. So clearly that meant I didn't get anxious or confused at times.

    So from now until then, no housework is getting done, and for a few days before I won't be showering - ew - and on the day I'll take all my pain meds so I'm spaced out and sleepy. So all the things I struggle to do, or don't do, to have some sort of normality won't get done.

    This has been ongoing since.... December was it? Was that when the last York meet was? Or was it November? Who knows. But then anyways, when I got the letter saying they were starting my renewal then. Like my palpitations weren't bad enough already!

    Edit - 16th of November was the meet up, and I think the letter came a day or two before that. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • So glad to hear your justified rage at being treated like this. The system is appalling, and deliberately so. No matter how "nice" the health professionals doing these assessments are, they are following a script and are being used to reduce expenditure. I have accompanied other people to both ESA and DLA/PIP assessments and the assessors were apparently smiley and pleasant, but it didnt mean the reports were not works of fiction.

    As the assessment is about "functional" ability, make sure you do answer questions re worst days, and, joking aside, looking like crap helps. It is sad that it is so but have to be realistic. May I also suggest if you can, that someone else is there with you-  puts the assessors on guard a bit. I always went with people and took notes, which unnerved them a bit. Not so easy in your own home but a witness is always good. Good luck with it, and dont let the bastards grind you down!

  • Hi That is terrible your GP leaving without a word! How many other doctors are in the practise? Maybe they think they can cope without replacing him as it's all about saving money these days, not about patient care! If this is the case, I hope there is another doctor you think would be good to take care of you. How come if we want to change our GP we have to give them about a months notice, get a letter from the doc you want to change to to do a letter saying he agrees etc but a GP can just go without a by your leave?  Regarding your PIP assessment at home, watch what you are doing!      

    One of the ladies at the hospice was turned down because during a home visit, she asked the assessor if she wanted a cup of coffee because it was a miserable day. She got up and made the coffee herself although she had a friend with her in the house. She was turned down. When she appealed they said she managed the kettle of boiling water without a problem and didn't ask the friend with her to get it for them! Ridiculous, I know but no matter how nice they seem, they are not on your side! You are being assessed from the moment they arrive. Have someone with you to open the door! I think they have so many people "playing" the system, as you say you are guilty until proved otherwise! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!