“It’s all on my scan, should you have read it”

  • 6 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So I have a scan last Thursday on my back to see if I’ve got a new lyctic lesion, spent the whole week since then trying not to worry, turn up today and it seems no one has reviewed it and written a report, the sad thing was I didn’t even raise an eyebrow to the causal neglect of my already stressful situation. So I will spend at least another 5 days wondering if I need to get myself admitted to the hospice. If it was a one off I wouldn’t mind so much but having been misdiagnosed in the past it doesn’t fill me with confidence. Anyway rant over, feel better for getting it off my chest, I’m off to get my self a cup of tea and a slice now, after which I’m sure I’ll feel a lot better.

  • Oh Jane , Sorry to read your scan had not been reviewed or written up! I've got to the stage, nothing surprises me now. I had a lump removed and biopsy on 27 Nov and have not had the result yet! It seems because the op was done in the so called New SuperHospital, they 'think' it may have been forwarded on to my Oncologist but she has heard nothing so far. My GP hadn't heard anything either, so phoned the surgeon's secretary (as I had phoned and left three messages with no reply). He was told she was in Australia on a leave of absence over New Year and the stand in couldn't find any files but not to worry, they would have contacted me IF it had been bad news! Great eh? As you say, it doesn't fill you with confidence! Please don't waste energy worrying!

    I have appointments this week with Dermatology & Liver Clinic, so maybe someone has heard something! No point in worrying. What will be will be! (Que Serra Serra was my mum's favourite saying) Don't worry about what you can't change! It's not always easy!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    your right of course, worrying changes nothing, I think you just become exasperated occasionally with the lazy cruelty of the system and you need to let a little bit of steam off the top of your head to release the pressure. I think the nhs computer system still sucks despite a great deal of money being spent on It, the whole thing is a money pit, like a rickety old house. Despite all that we on the mainland when compared to Northern Ireland are getting a better service, so it could be worse.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Waiting for scan results .....absolutely awful.  Someone once said to me “don’t be rushing towards bad news” so now if there’s no results I say that to myself and do something else and it works for a while as a distraction technique.

    hooe you are feeling ok otherwise xxxxx

  • Waiting for scan results is horrible.

    i always ring the radiology now before I have the appointment with the consultant to check if it has been reported on . To avoid the disappointment of going to the appointment with no results to discuss. They even will push the report through quicker if I say I have an appointment with the consultant on a certain date 

    once it took a month for them to report on a scan now it seems to take a week to 10:days.

    i know not getting the results when you expect them can be very stressful and upsetting 


  • Waiting for scan results is horrible.

    i always ring the radiology now before I have the appointment with the consultant to check if it has been reported on . To avoid the disappointment of going to the appointment with no results to discuss. They even will push the report through quicker if I say I have an appointment with the consultant on a certain date 

    once it took a month for them to report on a scan now it seems to take a week to 10:days.

    i know not getting the results when you expect them can be very stressful and upsetting 


  • Hi

    Absolutely correct ThumbsupYou don't want to be in a waiting list like ours, I've been waiting for 2 years for a nerve operation on my left elbow. When that's done I'll be put on the list for the other elbow. 

    But wait! Our MLAs have gone back to work again, so once the money comes through, the list will start to diminish, with any luck. 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.