Question on gov benefits.

  • 19 replies
  • 40 subscribers

I have today received a letter from DWP telling me I am only entitled to £58.70 per week on top of my pension, maybe I am being greedy but as a terminal ill cancer patient in palative care and a max life expectancy of 12 months with nearly 2 months of that already gone how do I pay for the help I will need at home or afford to visit my hospice twice weekly it's a 36 mile round trip per time or afford to travel to my nearest hospital that's a 46 mile round trip before I pay for hospital parking and purchase a soft diet and pay for my every day basic needs.

Please tell me how you others manage, this is just another worry after a life time of working and paying my taxes.

I look at others that have never worked a day in their life smoking drinking running car's - how do they do it ? How am I going to just get by ?. I am shocked I can not believe I have to go without heating, food something so I can attend the hospice or hospital - what is it with this country when hard working people are not helped when in need.

Please excuse my moan, but how do you cope without dipping deeply in to savings.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Love it, what channel is this on, I only have Freeview.

    You are making me hungry, tiramisu, cream cakes and now sausages, I can see that frying pan coming out.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear, you can watch it on your computer or iPad or on your tv if you have a smart tv, the link is below.

    it’s really all about the human ego and how fragile it is, it seems if you criticise people’s interior design choices that you do so at your own peril, sometimes it’s the strongest personalities who end up being the most thin skinned, a bit like Donald trump, who’s cooked breakfast I won’t be saying anything negative about whatsoever L.O.L 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I will be watching later today when I get my feet up, I do have a smart TV thank you for the link, I will report back.

    First today I have a home visit to do for a chihuahua male dog 2 year old who is in desperate need of a home, we need to get him out of the kennels.

    Once again I have enjoyed my posts with you Jane.

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I know exactly what you mean about wondering how people with few financial resources cope. I walk past a homeless encampment that’s grown up in the underground at Charing Cross Station when I go up to the hospital and it’s heartbreaking. How on earth would one of those men and women manage treatment let alone avoiding infection and staying warm? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Yes you would see the homeless more than I do living in the Lincolnshire countryside, no one should be in that much need without safe guards being in place.

    I at times and many others on this Macmillan site are in pain and face some hard struggles physical and mental but few of us can not afford to sleep in a clean warm bed and enjoy a good breakfast, we also at times moan about our doctors and nurses the treatment or lack of it - but God ain't we lucky we have what we have, my thoughts today are with the homeless, bless them.

    It is time the powers that be sorted out these problems.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Yes we are so, so lucky. I say thank you every day for being warm, clean and fed. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    We stayed in a very nice B and B in Devon and the owners proudly told us they’d been on four in a bed. We’d honestly never heard of it but were relieved when we googled it! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Actually nothing to do with your post,just wanted to say I love your footnote,I have the same cancer as you,long story short had the op 2017 it came back April 2019o had 6 months chemo then a break in which I had an endoscopy and the've found another lump in my gullet,biopsy,now just waiting for the results the pains not great,is it,but like you I cope,hope you can manage the chemo it did help me...Good luck.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you pennytwopence,

    Love the name you use, sorry to hear once again you have another lump, I hope when the biopsies come you have some hope of once again getting the results we all crave for.

    No the pain is not great but we have no choice, we cope best we can, eating is so painful at times - I am sick of soup and slimy things that slip down easier I am finding new foods I can get down with out it taking what seems like hours to swallow

    You know the best thing about being refused treatment so far is I do not have to go through the endoscopy again, when they pushed that tube down my throat they did not know I had a large tumour and the blood poured out with a nurse mopping it up, scared me to death that's when I realised my condition was serious and seeing the Macmillan nurse arrive confirmed my fears.

    I have been refused treatment due to the aggressive oesophagus cancer tumour and secondary liver, but I am fighting to receive some chemotherapy to try and give me more time that I need to be here for my mother who is in the final stages of dementia, my oncologist meeting on the 24th holds all my hopes..

    Please accept my best wishes,let me know how the results turn out and if you feel it could help talking with some one going through the same in its near final stage please feel free to contact me on this group or request friend for a private chat.

    Good luck to you