Happy new year and an update.

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Wishing everyone a Happy New year, we had a quiet Christmas and a very noisy Boxing day as i always have open house and feed everybody, the whole family from both sides come at various times and we had a really good day. All the little people were well behaved and everyone had left by 8pm so we were able to tidy up and have an early night too. 

I stated radiotherapy on the 11th of December and thought i was having 13 sessions, anyway when i went to see the Oncologist after a week she said i would be having 30 sessions as she had been informed that hospitals in the south had had better results giving shorter blasts over a longer period in patients who had previously had Immunotherapy. 

The side effects have not been too severe, the main one being inability to swallow things like bread and meat as it affects the gullet, I was given some antacid/anaeasthetic medication to take 20 minutes before eating which helps a little but i am missing my bacon butties !! I have lost one and a half stones but i have plenty in reserve lol so i won't waste away.

I also cant swallow tablets so a lot of my medications have been changed to liquid form for now.

I developed a chronic back pain last week and had to be taken by ambulance to my radiotherapy appointment as i couldn't walk, the radiologist arranged for me to see a doctor straight away and within two hours i was having an MRI scan. This revealed some degeneration in the middle of my spine due to arthritis and a sore spot further down which is caused by the radiotherapy but wouldn't cause the pain i was having. The doctor decided i must have Sciatica and upped my oxycodone and gave me slow release oxylan which killed the pain and they also gave me some gentle stretching exercises to untrap the nerve which have helped.

I have to say my experience in the radiotherapy department has been exellent, the staff are so caring and try their best to make you feel at ease even when you are laid on the table with your boobs on show ha ha. 

I had to cancel my holiday in Scotland in December and i had to cancel New year with our friends in Cumbria but we can do all that later in the year.Hubby is having open heart surgery on the 12th of February to replace his aortic valve so he will be home for at least six weeks. Not sure how he will cope as he is a workaholic despite  being 70 in February and self employed. 

Has anyone ever been prescribed those Fresubin vitamin drinks? I was given the "fruity" ones as i cant tolerate milk and i have to say whoever invented them has got to be some kind of a sadist ! I have never ever in my life tasted anything so disgusting, i only had a small mouthful and it made me vomit. How they can give poorly people these and expect them to get better is beyond me. Because the chemist wont take them back i have relegated them to the deepest darkest corner of my wheelie bin awaiting removal by the bin men on Friday !!

Anyway i hope you are all doing as well as can be expected and have some nice things planned for the coming year. I am very excited to see my spring bulbs poking their heads out of the soil and look very much forward to seeing them all in flower.

Wishing you all the best. Lynn 2