It's finished at last!

  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers


You asked for a photo of the 2000 piece jigsaw when I finished it, it's the same one that Viv(Aultone) bought at the fete at the church the day I met him in Fenland. It's a shame there was one piece missing, it's at the bottom of Africa. Maybe I'll find it somewhere, it's not the first time that has happened. I'm glad I've finished it before a crazy three year old arrives later today (Thursday). I should be in bed! 

Tvman xx

  • FormerMember


    Welcome back! You went missing for a few days there and I was worried about you. 

    That puzzle looks so hard! Well done. Really worth the effort. Is the missing piece inside Conan, perhaps? Noodle kept trying to eat my Christmas puzzle. 

    Enjoy the visit from your family. You must be so excited! Not long now...


  • FormerMember

    Dear well done on finishing your mega jigsaw puzzle.

    are you going to stick it down and frame and hang it up on the wall.

    ive read that sometimes you can get replacement pieces from

    the manufacturer or have a 3D piece made from a photograph.

  • Hi 

    Thanks Jane

    My daughter, sil and little 3 year old Harry arrive today so I think it'll be taken apart unceremoniously and put back in its box, we need the table for Saturday night for Christmas dinner number 2. My daughter loves her daddy's Christmas dinner, she lives just outside Peterborough and they were at her hubbies parents in Scotland at Christmas. 

    There is the very odd manufacturer who will replace missing pieces but this one doesn't appear to have this policy, although I may contact them. The odd one who does, will ask for a photo to identify the missing piece(s).

    I have only transferred one to a frame, by putting it onto a firm piece of hardboard and then framing it. That one is of the streets of Belfast and as I lived and worked in and around the streets of Belfast for 27 years, I was able to identify and position a fair amount of the 1000 pieces. This is it below. 

    Have a great day Jane.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.