Putting off things

  • 12 replies
  • 42 subscribers


I have been feeling quite low since I found out my cancer spread to my liver and then I was put on oral chemo. I felt like just giving up and doing nothing and lost interest.  Something then changed, i dont know why but I decided to  get off my backside and do something,  So I have decided to decorate my hall, landing and stairs, paper and paint chosen and decorator booked. I went to the carpet store today and have arranged to get the stairs and landing to be measured, I have found a few carpets I like, just need to take hubby with me when he returns from a business trip in Germany.  He bought an open ticket because he was worried about me. That kind of shook me a little and I am so busy dying that I am not living.  We have a static caravan in the Lakes which we can start using again in March.  I usually love travelling abroad but have been put off by my appointment schedule and have a fear of having to cancel.  Sorry this is a bit of a ramble.

  • Hi Ellie

    You know you've hit the nail on the head there when you say you are so busy dying instead of living. Too often we sink into a depressive mood because we think so much about dying. We need to turn things around and L-I-V-E, that includes getting up to that static caravan in the Lakes as much as possible. 

    A little trip/short break abroad is good too. Where's your favourite place abroad Ellie?

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi Tvmam

    I have been lucky to travel to many countries. My favourite has to have been Australia. We travelled there four years ago when I had reached five years of being cancer free.  We decided go then instead of leaving it until we retired. I am so glad we did. I have been to many places in Europe and it would be hard to pick a favourite there.  I would still like to visit St Petersburg as I read a lot of books on Tsarist Russia. That will not happen though. The other place is Pompeii in Italy. So many places, so little time.

    Ellie x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    I am in the same position,   so envious of people getting away  , my husband died 10 years ago but have people i could go with . One problem is the appointments take so much time up, Also side effects are a bit off putting  being away. 

    I am determined i will get medication sorted then try to start living again. 

    I will keep reading the posts on here to give me a push in the right direction.

    C J 

  • Hi

    I haven't been to Australia, we have a cousin there and her extended family. Of course we have an open invitation to go there, like many people I guess, but I'm not allowed outside of Europe says the consultant. After being neutropenic for a while and the chances are high of a repeat of the neutropenia, I'll take her advice! 

    I always fancied St Petersburg myself, but my wife's not too keen. We have been to Pompeii though, it's really fascinating but I'd stay away from there in July and August because it's so, so burning hot and there's very little shade. I listened to the guide recording that is sold there and at one point it says "stand with your back to the wall, now look at Vesuvius and imagine it erupting violently". That sent a shiver right down my spine.

    A lot of the artefacts have been looted and there are many that are on display in Naples museum.

    It's quite uneven in Pompeii, I wouldn't fancy it now in a wheelchair ha ha. I hope one day it never erupts because so many people live there, taking advantage of the rich soil. 

    Hope you get there Ellie.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    How exciting! A new lease of living! Your house is going to be so swanky. Really great to hear you are feeling cheerier. 

    I have just bought myself a new bed. It’s adjustable so the head and feet raise using motors and it’s got a massage function. My girls and I all enjoyed a massage this evening 

    Going away is great. But enjoying being at home and making your home a place you want to be that’s all comfy and snug is good too 




  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear  I can relate to your situation, I have to do three sessions of kidney dialysis every week and one day a week at my blood cancer clinic so find it’s not possible to take long breaks. However I’m embracing the notion of days out, which are more flexible for me due to fatigue and side effects of treatment. I’m a bit of a homebody who loves their own bed and food so I try to enjoy those things that give me comfort. Like you I have a rare illness so the forum is a great comfort to me and a good place to find encouragement and solace in a difficult situation. I’m sure when you get into a more stable condition you will get your mojo back and start making plans for things you’d like to do, so chin up, chest out and let’s look to better days in the near future.

  • My getaway is the local garden centre. Not exciting to many but it has a lovely cafe for tea and cake/lunch and a borrowable wheelchair when my chemo was at it's worst and I felt too weak to stand and walk far. There are plenty of benches and even if I am not buying much I can sit and fantasise about my garden and how the plants would look there on a warm summer day. If you find a good one it is invaluable and usually nice loos as well when you get cut short as I often am.

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • Hi Nicky

    How nice to hear that someone else likes garden centres. We have some lovely ones in and around Belfast. The ambient atmosphere is just so relaxing and the food is usually quite good.

    The good ones look after their plants, keeping them in tip top condition. I've noticed a slightly annoying trend that is creeping in, and it's that some are now selling household furnishings, scented candles, soaps and other gifts that account for more sales than garden plants and hardware. Indeed, some centres have cafes/restaurants that can seat in the region of 200 people!

    Anyone else noticed the same trend?  


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi  what a lovely post, I am terrible at putting things off, my house was bought as a renovation project and I am only halfway through and have stopped - I need some of your “getting off my backside “ energy! I did buy a new sofa this week though, even though if I am honest I feel a bit on my last legs....I seem to lurch from one treatment to the next without anything working. But enough doom and gloom this morning, I shall think of your lovely new hallway to cheer me up while sitting on my lovely new sofa.

    i also love a garden centre, there’s a couple of lovely ones here where you can sit and eat your scones outside surrounded by all the lovely plants, that’s more for the summer though but we have other indoors ones too that are good.  Not so much a fan of dobbies though, I agree with you sometimes theres too much non garden stuff, then I am not so keen. (Ps welcome back, hope you are feeling better)

    Right best get on, hospital tomorrow so will try to do something nice today! Love heather x

  • Hi Ellie, You should definitely set your sights on St Petersburgh, it's an amazing experience! We saw it via a cruise that left from Scotland while I was still on treatment but not flying anywhere. I got tired easily so booked a private tour just for my husband and I, in a private car with a travel guide driver. It was sensational and well worth the money! Now Pompeii, I found very unsettling and got upset. However, it is easy to get to! You go for it! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!