Catch 22

  • 2 replies
  • 41 subscribers

The medication I’m on has quite random side effects, so sometimes I feel unwell and then I might be ok for a while. When I’m ill, I push against it and all my mental energy goes towards living as normal a life as possible. When I’m relatively well (like now) I find the mental space to worry about my incurable diagnosis and what the future might bring. I try not to, but it’s difficult. Catch 22 indeed.

  • FormerMember

    Dear, when I’m off treatment is the time when my mind wanders, when I’m on treatment I’m too busy with hospital appointments etc, so I can totally relate to what your saying. On the one hand we don’t want to know how long we have but on the other hand we want to get rid of some of the uncertainty. The definition of life extending treatment is you should be well more than you are ill, and from your profile that seems to be where your at. They call people in your position the inbetweeners now, it’s a side effect of all these new treatments which are extending life spans of patients further and further, it just goes to show there’s a price to pay for everything, and with successful cancer treatment it’s living in limbo, so we might as well enjoy our good days as much as we can, the future will take of itself.

  • FormerMember


    I know! Crazy, isn’t it? Does the worry get in the way of enjoying yourself? I find I worry a little when I’m not on treatment (and it’s rare; I totted up three weeks last year that were hospital free) but mostly I just enjoy not going to hospital and having some freedom. As long as the balance is in favour of enjoying myself I don’t worry about it. I’m damned if I’m going to worry about worrying. 
