How’s your New Years Eve / Hogmanay shaping?

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  • 45 subscribers


This will be a tricky time of year for many of us. So maybe we can join in a pity party together or enjoy others partying vicariously. 

I am going to pop by my neighbours briefly but mostly I’ll be banished upstairs while my 15-year-old and her mates party downstairs. I have a horrible cough and enough meds to knock me out so I don’t suppose the noise will bother me too much - and actually the sound of young people enjoying themselves is always joyous and uplifting 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    How could you ever think you'd let anyone down? It always amazes me that everyone takes the time to post such heart warming messages of support despite being in the midst of their own struggles.

    You've been so unwell, I hope you're fully recovered or at least well enough really enjoy your family holiday. You must be getting excited! I have everything crossed for you that things go without a hitch.

    It's almost 2 years since I've been able to drive, so I'm going to book a couple of refresher lessons, especially as I'm getting an automatic car Blush I've spent so much time skulking behind doors with my coat on and heart in my mouth waiting for taxis or lifts to work, and will save literally hours of time getting to the hospital and hospice.

    Take great care of yourself   xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You're right ,

    You couldn't make some of this stuff up ;)

    The thing that amazes me about other people's posts is their talents! I'm not in any way creative and have never been brave enough to try any decorating or DIY.

    Irish drums eh, another thing to google.  xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That's a beautiful photo  

    Our walks have been a bit unpredictable because of cold, wet weather and Sula having tests for Cushings disease. She has her bright, puppyish moments but is otherwise very lethargic. She gets  excited at the idea of going for a walk, and then refuses to go once we're outside. Once I get the car on Saturday it's only a 5 minute drive to the common where she loves splashing in muddy puddles, rolling in unimaginable smells and chasing squirrels. The squirrels are never in any real danger and seem to be well aware of that.

     I don't really enjoy driving anymore, the roads are so congested and there's too much hostility and too little patience amongst drivers. I do love the independence though and the huge savings in time. 

    I'm quite tempted to do the North Coast 500 this year, Scotlands answer to Route 66. Far less traffic and stunning scenery, the best way to do that would be on the back of my husbands motor bike but that might be a bit ambitious. In the meantime it's only an hour or so to the coast and some lovely beaches Blush

    I was so sorry to hear that you've been very unwell in hospital too. I hope you're making a good recovery and staying out of mischief  xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Lol. I'm still in hospital, still requiring arduous journeys for visiting. I came  in for a blood test a few weeks ago, and they won't let me out. I've been close a couple of times, even got as far as talking to the  physio, then there always a delay and it's more tests followed by a new set of specialists. 

    It all started with a bad reaction to the immunotherapy drug I was having as part of a clinical trial. That was back in September, and needed a couple of weeks in hospital. (We were on holiday. I was admitted in about the second day of the holiday, and released in time to catch the ferry back  home and report to the Marsden the next day.) It was certainly a relaxing holiday.

    And so it has continued. I've been on high dose steroids since September to suppress the immune reaction, so I'm the size of a house, can't sleep, and am definitely not in a mellow frame of mind. I don't do gratitude for normal behaviour at the best of times  but expecting  it now is not a wise move.

    The Marsden have scanned, x-rayed, echo-sounded,  photographed, probably autographed and coloured by numbers every part of me, even sending me on jaunts to Chelsea & Westminster and the Brompton  so they could get in on the act. They all agree it's the immunotherapy that's to blame, they just can't seem to decide which  organ is causing the most trouble. Meanwhile I'm developing an unexpected familiarity with traffic on the Fulham Road.

    I'm tired, I'm fed up, and I have no patience. I'm surrounded by very thin ice! Woe betide anybody who puts a foot wrong.

  • Hi

    Good to hear from you, I'm sorry to hear that you are not so good. 

    Last Autumn I read about the North Coast 500 and I was trying to persuade my son who lives in Aberdeen, to do the 500 with me but he was too busy with his PhD. I was going to do it on my own but the family were against me doing it alone.

    Have you heard of  on this site? Maybe when you joined, you came across him which is where I met him. He has a glass of single malt whiskey waiting for me when I'm in his area, Inverness. We could stay in a hotel there as we did before and we went to Loch Ness and Skye. Beautiful scenery there, almost as good as Northern IrelandSlight smile   Maybe I'll be able to persuade my wife to go with me in summer, I'd like to divert to some of the group of islands, like the Shetland islands. The Vikings and their history is fascinating for both of us. We came across a Viking campsite in Norway when we went on a Norwegian fjords cruise a couple of years ago. It was probably set up for the tourists but it was interesting anyway. 

    I think that a couple of driving lessons for you from a driving instructor is an excellent idea, a little refresher course will be perfect for regaining those skills.

    Take care Tinalay, try to be positive

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.