An end of year thought.

  • 9 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I dont know like everyone what the New Year has in store for me, just as I didn't at the beginning of 2019.It's been quite an emotionally tumultuous year. To end the year knowing that I am living with terminal cancer is not easy. I have made it to here and I sincerely hope to be here at the end of 2020. I have learnt a lot of lessons about life, about people. I realised just what is important to me and who and what is not. I have learned to be selfish to put me first. I speak my mind now, not to hurt others but to relieve myself of the stress of bottling things up. I kind of wish I had done that a long time ago. I have learnt that I can be in the deepest of despair and yet I can pull myself up and carry on. Someone asked me what it was like to wake up each morning knowing you are dying. It's a hard question to answer. I think I am just grateful to wake up, to live the day and I really mean live it, not just get through it. I didn't realise just how much I wanted to live until I was told I was dying. Never, ever say that you wish you were dead, because you really dont. Nobody knows when their last day on this earth will be, I have a timescale, so every day is a day less, a countdown if you will. I am going to wish you all a Happy New Year and wish that you all have health and happiness. Love your life and live it, or change it to the best of your ability. I sincerely hope that I will be here this time next year to send you all a New Years greeting. For people I have never met your support through this medium has helped a lot, just knowing you care. Thank you xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear yours words resonate with me a great deal, the lessons having a incurable illness has taught me would have been things that I would have benefitted from earlier in my life, medical procedures aside the last 18 months have in a strange way been filled with less anxiety relating to the trivialities of life, I move on much quicker now and hardly ever ruminate on the unkind actions of others which seem inevitable. I also speak my mind and have no problem putting myself first and my love and respect for my husband has grown. So despite everything I close the year with no regrets and whatever the future brings I’m as prepared as I can be.

  • Hi

    I do think having Incurable cancer makes us realise what is important and what is not. If someone had asked me the question "what's it like waking up in the morning knowing that you are dying" I wouldn't find it a hard question to answer! I'd say "we are all dying but the difference is I have to face it when others don't"!  I think in some ways we are very privileged, ooh I don't mean the pain, treatment etc but since my diagnosis, I have lost 2 very close friends and one or two acquaintances who didn't have any warning. As far as I'm concerned, regarding my family and close friends, there will be nothing unsaid and no regrets. They didn't get the chance to say what they wanted because they had no warning whatsoever. As far as the timescales go, as you say no one knows when we are going to die. Not even the medical professionals as the proof is here in this Group with lots of us already living passed our sell by dates and long may that continue!

    I just try to enjoy each day as it comes and if my body tells me to rest, I rest whereas I used to try to fight it and felt worse, now I have a lie down then carry on doing whatever I was going to do once I waken! We certainly find out who our friends are!

    I love Christmas but not so much the New Year. I think it must be an age thing as I remember family and friends who are no longer here and it saddens me. Then I see our grandchildren and they have their whole life ahead of them and that is a great pick me up!

    I hope everyone here has a Healthy, Happy 2020! Sending love and virtual (((hugs))) to all, especially those on their own who have my admiration!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Happy New year to everyone enjoy the time you have .

    we are going to our local pub with my daughter and fiancée and will welcome the new year with our neighbours 



  • A Happy New Year to all members of this (reluctantly) exclusive club - may we all reach our targets in 2020 and beyond

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Hi All

    We are always saying to new recruits that this is the club that no one wants to be a member.

    Well, when I look around at all the members of this club and I see what all of you bring to the table, I for one am proud to say that I couldn't join a club where the members are as friendly, caring and helpful as all of you.

    We don't know what this year is going to bring us but Happy New Year to everyone Slight smile. Love you all.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman

    You put it so succinctly. I really could not have coped these past 18 months without you all. I am constantly amazed by the courage and kindness I find here.

    I wish you all peace, love and joy.


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

     I know some of us will be apprehensive about what a new year will bring, but January 1st is just another day, a day when most of us will cope amazingly well as we do every other day. Love to you all. x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    You do have a way with words like and I totally agree that this is a fabulous group one and all.

    Its still NYD here -although it Jan 2nd in the UK. 

    I  love all you beautiful and kind people. I wish everyone happiness, love and peace in the New Year.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear everybody here. Truthfully I couldn’t add anymore than what everybody here has said.  Think there is a noticeable difference in me since I’ve joined the online community. I was feeling very much alone, I don’t like living on my own, but now here, right now I don’t. My mum always said “It’s what you put into your life that counts”.  I feel that since I’ve got my cancer, that I can’t waste time and energy on things that are not working or things that I’m not likely to finish. Like everybody here, I’m well past my sell by date. Good job I’m not a pint of milk. 

    By the way, my cat Draco was diagnosed with cancer of the tongue because his cat was black. Later on, I found him washing himself, and his tongue is pink. Later onwards I found a half chewed up pack of black Jacks. I’m glad he’s okay. You will have to forgive me here, as I always lightened what I write as it’s my way of dealing with my life.