I had sad news at Christmas!

  • 10 replies
  • 42 subscribers

One of my friends passed away on Boxing Day she had pancreatic cancer but she did have longer than they said she would.I was hoping she would get out just till after Christmas  because she loved Christmas.At least her family was with her and she had those extra years.

On a happier note my Daughter and chap have put a offer on a house which is accepted.

so now I can help them with there new house.

I have to say to Daloni I have downloaded that app for meditation today.I was having trouble with sleeping and tried sleeping tablets but did not get on with them so went to the nurse at my gp she said stop them I said I would like to try meditation for sleep.She said have you heard of head space and remembered Daloni I wish I had done it before.It is the first time I have slept for ages.i feel so much  better.Now I just need to get a bit more exercise and lose some weight so myself and my daughters have decided a couple times a week to go swimming there is a late only women class at our leisure pool so tire myself out before I go to bed.thats the plan anyway.

on that note I might just try for another nap now.

  • So sorry you have lost a friend at Xmas it's bad enough at any time of year but at this time of year it's worse at least she did live longer than expected and had her family around her lots of love and supportxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry for your loss, very sad for you but good to know your friend was with family and had had more time with them. 

    I hope things go smoothly with the new house, very exciting.

    Good to hear the meditation helped you sleep, you've reminded me to give it a go. Good luck with your diet and exercise plan, that all sounds very positive.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. To have reached a personal milestone and die peacefully with our family around us is all we can hope for. Please accept my condolences. 

    I am glad you’ve found Headspace’s app so helpful and so quickly. I hope it’s not a one off! Meditation has helped me in so many ways, primarily by helping me to address anxiety and appreciate each moment. So when people ask me how I cope with, say, scanxiety, I say that I don’t treat it as a thing. I approach it by managing my anxiety overall. 

    Your health kick sounds great. I do hope you’ll start to feel the benefits really quickly. 

    Lots of love xxx

  • I'm so sorry about your friend but it's good as others have said, she had some extra time and her family around her.

    It's great your daughter and partner have secured a house. I take it the house is relatively near you, when you will be able to help! Maybe that will help you sleep too as there's always a lot to do when you move house and I'm sure your daughter will appreciate your help!  Yes Headspace is a good app and the fact it has helped you so quickly is great, long may it continue! Enjoy your new regime at your leisure centre without overdoing it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi Popgate

    thank you for your reply.I was wondering how you were? Did you have your friend around for Christmas?

    My friend is coming around this week.We are going to have a few days away somewhere.

    the only thing I seem to have caught another cold.I had to pop down doctors on Friday and I think that was it.ill ring in the morning to get it checked.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi Popgate

    thank you for your reply.I was wondering how you were? Did you have your friend around for Christmas?

    My friend is coming around this week.We are going to have a few days away somewhere.

    the only thing I seem to have caught another cold.I had to pop down doctors on Friday and I think that was it.ill ring in the morning to get it checked.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    HadHi tinaley

    thanks for reply.I wish l had done it earlier didn’t need to do it yesterday I was shattered and falling asleep talking.My daughter was talking about her eldest son not locking her front door and I Joyught myself saying put frylight on I was thinking about a cauliflower that Gino had cooked for Gordon Ramsey

    on telly

    JoyJoyhence why I need to loose weight only thing I think about.

    I started to move things around coming up to power nap I think xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi anndanv

    thanks for reply.Although I knew about my friend I was hoping she would get home with her family,but at least she wasn’t in pain as you said. 

    They are a bit further away about 10 mins,I have my other daughter she lives just  lives at the back so have someone near plus I look after one of lads while she is at work.Im trying not to do so much but afternoons I get so board.

      Take care xx 

  • Hi there yes my best friend invited me to hers on Xmas day and it was brill!!!! her cooking is fantastic plain food just how i like it and because she is a dog foster it was great to be surrounded by dogs my dog jyp went too and he was playing with all the dogs so it was nice for him as well I was ok until it came to her Xmas present as I had asked her to save hers I got her until after the meal as I wanted to keep the memory of her face forever I had got her a braclet that I had got especially made for her with memories of me made into chimes thank God I took my eyelash glue eyeliner and cotton buds!!!!! with me what a mess I looked like but it was worth it as also you can't help thinking is this going to be my last Xmas so it needed to be special and it was for both of us I hope your cold gets better soon xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Hi popgate 

    oh that sounds a lovely Christmas,I wore eye lashes to my Christmas do I thought they might itch but they were fine.

    i meet my sister in law dog on Saturday it’s a cross shitsue with a griffin sorry about the grammar.such a lovely dog didn’t take Peggy because Stuart wanted to take her out.Nice to be in such demand.

    went in town the Friday first time I wore my wig.My face keeps swelling with the steroids so I thought wearing wig bump into lots of friends I haven’t seen plan didn’t work thought they wouldn’t recognise me. Well take care popgate I have Doctor at 10.30 I think I have another chest infection doh