Treatment break

  • 12 replies
  • 42 subscribers

The 10 months since starting oral chemo and 6 months since an emergency admission to hospital with severe pneumonia and pleurisy have been challenging, the lows very low but the highs very high, and I'm grateful to have officially joined the "past my sell by date" group.

But I'm exhausted, struggling to manage pain and struggling with side effects of the medication I'm taking both to tolerate chemo and deal with the side effects of it.

 There's a difference of opinion about my scans and the cancer markers are as high as they've ever been but are fluctuating so not particularly helpful. I'm being given the benefit of the doubt which is better than nothing.

Yesterday I asked for a treatment break. 

I'm having a month off oral chemo, staying on hormone therapy and starting oromorphine. It's such a relief and will give me time to recuperate a bit and build up some stamina. There are so many nasty viruses going around and there's nothing in the tank.

It's the first time I've taken control of my treatment and feels like a right of passage. More scans and then a review on 24thJanuary, fingers crossed!    xx 

  • The first time I had a treatment break, it was the oncologist who  suggested it and I was worried that the cancer would take over. Then after the following scan, nothing had changed from the previous scan. Once I realised that and felt the difference when the side effects settled a bit, I decided on the next break. My oncologist explained it can be a good thing to change things every now and again. Enjoy your break and visit to family. It is amazing how your spirits rise being off treatment for a while.  Enjoy your month off!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi ,

    Lovely to hear from you and I'm happy that you are pleased with your decision.  I think that you always know that you have made the correct decision for yourself when you feel a sense of relief having made it.

    Hopefully you will start to feel better soon having stopped putting all those chemicals into yourself.  It is also good that you felt able to tell your oncologist what you needed as they are sometimes a bit slow to realise what we are saying.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx