Treatment break

  • 12 replies
  • 42 subscribers

The 10 months since starting oral chemo and 6 months since an emergency admission to hospital with severe pneumonia and pleurisy have been challenging, the lows very low but the highs very high, and I'm grateful to have officially joined the "past my sell by date" group.

But I'm exhausted, struggling to manage pain and struggling with side effects of the medication I'm taking both to tolerate chemo and deal with the side effects of it.

 There's a difference of opinion about my scans and the cancer markers are as high as they've ever been but are fluctuating so not particularly helpful. I'm being given the benefit of the doubt which is better than nothing.

Yesterday I asked for a treatment break. 

I'm having a month off oral chemo, staying on hormone therapy and starting oromorphine. It's such a relief and will give me time to recuperate a bit and build up some stamina. There are so many nasty viruses going around and there's nothing in the tank.

It's the first time I've taken control of my treatment and feels like a right of passage. More scans and then a review on 24thJanuary, fingers crossed!    xx 

  • FormerMember

    Dear I always feel much better when I take control of my treatment choices so I support your decision to have a treatment break. None of these things are set in stone and a good consultant should always have a flexible approach where possible. It sounds as though you’ve been having a rough time recently and you need some space to build yourself back up both mentally and physically.

  • FormerMember

    Hi I am on a weekly Paclitaxel since August and when developed a painful skin burnt and swelling if my right hand I have asked for break too.The oncologist didn't like but that was her problem it's my choice and I am deciding about my care.Its feels so good don't have to go to the hospital every week a live like a normal person.I am not the skin issue disappeared just my hand is swollen I am sure she won't do anything for me.

    Now I developed a bad flu but there is no way I will go to stay in hospital I am managing it home with lemon and honey and codeine for cough.

    Sounds strange but I hope they will delay my chemo which is due next week.Mentally I don't really want to do it again.

    Anyway if I will have to do more I am the "boss" and I want to decide when to have break because I am also planning fly abroad to see my family.

    Anyway good luck

  • FormerMember


    Good for you! Well done. I think that sounds an excellent plan. The treatment is all very well but the point of it all is to help us live. There comes a time when it’s not living if the side effects get so bad. 

    I hope you can get on top of the pain and find a regime that keeps the pain away. It’s so much better to stop the pain before it starts than treat it once it’s got hold. 

    Enjoy your break. When I had a break from difficult oral treatment it was just such a relief not taking the tablets. 


  • Hi Tinalay

    I am glad that you are happy with your decision and I hope you feel well and in control. 


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    i second  ‘s sentiment -well done. Sometimes the oncologist is so set on killing the cancer cells  they forget they are killing normal cells and hurt our spirit and will to live  in the process. Taking a break when you need it is your decision. You are the one living in your body and you are the only one that knows how you feel. Enjoy your trip.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    thank you. My Consultant always says that regardless of scans and cancer markers the most important thing is how the patient is actually feeling. I've hardly been up on two legs today and realise I've been running on empty for a while.

    My twin sisters husband has Lewy Body Dementia and things have reached crisis point. The worry around her situation is relentless and I so want to be here long enough to see them through the transition into full time residential care. It's mostly unbearable at the moment.

    So time out is definitely what's needed.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady


    It's such a huge relief to have time out that I know it's a good choice.

    I hope you're keeping well and planning the next break away. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I went to the appointment thinking that if the bloods were ok I'd want to keep going, but as soon as I saw the medication on the trolley I knew it was just too much at the moment. The relief is huge and I think I'll feel the benefit of breathing space fairly quickly.

    That hasn't been an option for you. It never ceases to amaze me that even in the worst of times you and many others still reach out to help someone else, thank you for that. Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Thank you. It sounds like you made a good decision too, but I'm sorry you feel your Consultant didn't support it.

    I hope you're recovering from the flu, I can understand why you wouldn't want to go into hospital, but hope you'll follow the protocols if you get a high temperature. As you say it's your choice.

    Good luck with your plans to see family abroad, it's so important to have things like that to look forward to.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I can only echo Tinalay. Why would you want to go to hospital with the flu? There’s nothing much they can do for you. You know the protocol so home is the best place until you have a high temperature at which point you know what to do. 

    I do hope you feel better soon. I’m going for my flu jab on Monday - I delayed it until after the immunotherapy. 

    Love and hugs xxx