Christmas thoughts

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Well, Christmas and the New Year are almost upon us. It's been a hard year for me being diagnosed with secondary metastatic bone cancer and liver mets. It's been hard to get my mind round it and realise how short a span I have left. Each day is hard and I try not to cry and keep strong. Some days are better than others. Anxiety rules my life and I am at times on a short fuse. Geoff  (husband) has been wonderful, he has supported me, rallied me in my dark days and made me realise how much i want to fight this. I know the line is drawn for me and it's not if, but just when. I hope I can be here next Christmas.  I did find out how few real friends I have and saw people in a new light. I have heard people make excuses and ignore me. It hurts a lot. People have to deal with my illness the best way they can and if it's to make excuses, ignore me or blame me then so be it. So, to end, just in case I dont make another year, I want to wish you all a long, happy and peaceful life and to thank you all for your kindness towards me. Merry Christmas to you all.

Ellie x

  • Ellie,

    I think you have summed up how a lot of us feel.  It is hard, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. We have to be.

    I also have found some 'friends' drop of the radar.  I now think that it is because they just don't know what to say or how to react, they get the ostrich syndrome. They are scared as it probably reminds them of their own mortality.  Some people are only supposed to be in your life for a short while and others for ever. Your friends are the family you and they chose. 

    Please don't waste your time thinking about those people who have chose not to reach out to you but hold on to the ones that have embraced you.

    Your emotions and anxiety are all very normal.

    Be happy today, yesterday is gone.

    Lyn x