Chemo in the new year

  • 4 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi I want to thank you all who replied to feeling upset had all done went to cancer doctor my cancer is growing and they found one hiding in the liver so to start chemo in the new year. So hopefully it should work again as its 2 years since my last lot and they are giving me the same medication. So I wish all a happy xmas and good new year to all that read this 

Love Lesley  xx

  • FormerMember


    I am glad you felt able to come here and get the support you needed. It was a pleasure to reply to you. It’s not much but the listening here we will give each other in this community so important.

    I’m sorry to hear the cancer is growing again. But at least you now have an action plan and some hope that it will work. And you get Christmas off! How did you fare on the last treatment? I hope the side-effects will keep to a minimum and that you’ll do really well on it.

    In the meantime wrap up warm, enjoy the Christmas lights, have a few drinks and hopefully some laughs.

    Lots of love xxx

  • Hi  Well, Daloni has said it all, so please keep popping in to let us know how you are doing, there maybe someone new that you could help! I'm sure when the chemo has worked once, it will work again and hopefully for longer!

    Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    Let's hope for good results with the chemo after Christmas, in the meantime have a great Christmas and New year.

    Take care 

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Thank you yes it's good to be able how we feel . You enjoy Christmas and happy new year will let you know but I had this chemo last time and was not bad on it just very tired but am going to keep positive. 

    Love Lesley xx