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  • 41 subscribers

Hi I'm on leterazol ,they changed the supplier tomato different one and the side effects are horrendous lower back pain, pain in legs hands feet, so fed up and ready to put all meds in bin,oxycodone is not helping with the pain, needed a rant, has anyone else had this x

  • Hi Den99,

    I am on Letrozole for life and have been on it since April 2014. I learnt early on that some brands suit me better than others. I did tell the pharmacist that a particular brand caused me a lot of pain. They made a note of it and have never given it me again. I would hope that your pharmacist will be sympathetic and do the same.

    love and hugs

    Maggie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Den99, I take letrezol and have the same side effects as you, I take Flarin (Ibuprofen type you can get over the counter at pharmacies) but also have morphine tablet in the morning. Despite the pain though, this has worked in that my tumour has shrunk (see my profile) I see Maggie spoke to her Pharmacist so I am now going to do this (thanks Maggie!) however, although I am often tired and fed up with the pain I will continue taking it as I don't fancy the alternative!! I am sorry you are going through such pain, you may need stronger or different type of pain killer? I am also on anti depressants which may have a positive effect on my tolerance of the pain, I don't know but your Macmillan Nurse may know. I don't know what illness you have as you don't seem to have a profile but if I can help in anyway I am here to offer support, any time, I am one of the "fruit loops" awake in the middle of the night if you can't sleep. The breast cancer group kindly allowed me to join their group and this is also the main group that Letrozol is meant to be for. I am so glad we have this forum, the humour and support keeps me going as well,,, so don't put your meds in the bin, this is a down day, come and join us and meet new friends who understand what you are talking about, I am always on the look out for alternatives and cures so will keep you posted.  With love and stiff hugs! Pat xx

  • Hi Den99  I didn't have a good response to Oxycondone, Pregabalin OR Gabapentin so go back to your Team and let them know about the level of pain you are having. It may take a while but they will eventually find a combination that will work for you! Also as Maggie said, it's worth speaking to your pharmacist about the change of supplier. Most are sympathetic! This is where to rant if you feel like it, day or night! Hope you get something sorted out. 

    As, I think it was, Pat (Shortfriend) said, there are a lot of night owls here! It would also be helpful to fill in a bit of info on your Profile Page!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!