Feeling upset

  • 19 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi just want to say feeling upset my daughters father in law is in hospital and looks like he is needing palliative care and it has just upset me and I am going to the hospital next week for the results of my scans hopefully they will be good. I also have arthritis in my knee and sore arm so very frustrated with myself as things take longer to do.

So Xmas is a bit up in air at the moment I am still making Xmas cards which cards are my hobby. I have two granddaughters one is dancing on a panto.one she is twelve the other is fifeteen. They are both doing well. I was at a xmas party yesterday it was good. Just have to get out of my down mood and talk to my dog as love with him by myself.

Thank you for reading this as it's hard to explane to someone and my family are busy and my sister lives in England and I love in Scotland.


  • Oh Lesley, I'm so sorry to hear about your daughters father in law, had he been ill? Of course anytime is not a good time to die but I think this time of the year is worse than the rest!

    Well done getting everything done at the dentist, that's great news! I will have to go early in the new year as the antibiotics I was on have attacked  my mouth, tongue and teeth! It's not toothache but my teeth actually hurt! So glad your all done and dusted. Hope you get everything done you would like to do!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I can only echo what Annette said. I do hope you’re more comfortable now but how sad for your daughter in law. 

    Gosh it’s cold and wet here. I’ve taken the dog out - I think we would both rather have stayed in but needs must. Next up is taking my daughter to the orthodontist. I’m exhausted already! 


  • FormerMember

    Dear ,

    I also get frustrated that things take longer, I make a list every morning of what I want to accomplish that day, in order of priority.  I go through it until I am not able to do more. Next day repeat, it works, I get the most important things done and somedays I am able to complete all.  Even if I do not, I reward myself for what I accomplish (treat, music, movie etc etc).  That way I feel accomplished and happy with myself daily.  We all have limits and just live life to fullest to the levels possible.

    Lost my husband of 40 years last year - so I am alone also, and understand the isolation.

    When I have the energy and I am able, I reach out do good things for those less fortunate- and that helps.  Small things are appreciated.

    Wishing you the best-



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    Thanks tooth filled blood done docs seem to about shoulder just given another tablet to take. To sort out xmas prezzies and clear the cupboard in the hall as having meters changed to smart ones on thurs it all busy but that's good roll on the warmer weather until then you have a lovely xmas 

    Love Lesley xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You too, . I still have cards to write, presents to wrap and the house to decorate Scream


  •  I do hope when they change your meters, they can do it with the dorms closed, it's too cold to have workmen in and out but you will be pleased when it's all done!

     SNAP! I still have cards to write and the house to decorate. I can't remember ever being this late but I didn't want our grandchildren coming to put the tree etc up, in case I was still infectious! How did your daughter get on at the Orthodontist? Hope she has her smile back!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  •   I do hope when they change your meters, they can do it with the dooors closed, it's too cold to have workmen in and out but you will be pleased when it's all done!

      SNAP! I still have cards to write and the house to decorate. I can't remember ever being this late but I didn't want our grandchildren coming to put the tree etc up, in case I was still infectious!

    How did your daughter get on at the Orthodontist? Hope she has her smile back!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Millie

    I'm so sorry and sad to hear that your husband of 40 years died last year, I can understand that you are feeling so alone. When you came on to this community can't have been long after that.

    I do hope that you are being helped by people here, in terms of friendship and fellowship. On my behalf, I am happy with the support you give me. I set myself mental targets which sometimes I share with my wife especially if it's been something she has been talking about for a while!

    Take care


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Dear ,

    Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I love Two hearts this community- a wonderful group of souls. It helps just communicating and sharing there is a wealth of knowledge and kindness.

    You are right on the timing of my joining the community.  I had my first chemo 3 weeks before George passed . It was a terrible time for me but then I found my new Cyber community and you are all delightful and so many gardners! 

    I’m wishing everyone here  a Wonderful Holiday Season! You are all precious.

    Hugs to all,
